mewgulf , Gulf gets stabbed 🔪 🩸

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RiEnaRieNa863 I hope you like it 😊

Mew is a singer , he started his career when he was only 17. He's become pretty famous. Gulf is a CEO of mew's music company. Mew and Gulf liked each other a lot when mew joined the singing company. They started dating , they've been dating for 1 year now. Mew and Gulf moved in together a few months ago. Mew had a concert today , him and Gulf we're both very exited about it. Gulf would be backstage supporting him like he usually does. Mew is so happy that he has Gulf supporting him.

Gulf woke up in mew's arms. He looked up at mew and they both smiled at each other. Mew pecked Gulf ok the lips.

Mew: good morning beautiful.

Gulf: good morning. Gulf barried his head into mess chest.

Mew: We can't sleep forever. Mew says laughing.

Gulf: mmm I know. Gulf says in a sleepy voice.

Mew smiles and kisses Gulf again.

Mew: let's go shower and get ready.

Gulf: ok.

Mew and Gulf get out of bed and go shower. After their shower they get dressed and head into the car. They start driving to the concert place. They both park and walk backstage.

Time skip...

Mew and Gulf are backstage , mew is gerrjnf ready. The concert is starting soon. All the fans are already there. Mew goes on stage in 20 minutes. Mew is just getting his make-up done my the make up artist.

Artist: so , I'm guessing someone as famous as you don't have a lover. She says flirty.

Mew: actually yes , I do have a lover. Mew says pointing to Gulf. Gulf smiles a little shy. The girl makes a disgusted face and looks back to mew.

Artist: yeah but , I mean surely you want to date someone , you know , like me? She says touching his cheek. Mew moves her hand away and gets back.

Mew: sorry but , I've already met the love of my love. Mew smiles and walks over to Gulf and kisses him , he wraps his arm around Gulf waist and walks away. The girl slams the make up brush down and makes the evilest look towards Gulf.

Mew walks on to the stage and the crowd starts screaming and holding signs up. Mew waves and smiles at his fans. He grabs his guitar and starts singing. Gulf realized he forgot his phone In mess dressing room. He wanted to record mew singing. He quickly went back into mews dressing room. When he picked his phone up he heard the door open. The make up artist walked in holding a knife. Gulf backed up a bit.

Gulf: w-what are you doing?

Artist: mew is going to be mine once your dead!

Gulf:. P-p-please , just calm down.

Artist: no! I want you dead! She then charged at Gulf and plunged into gulfs stomach. Mew then walks in and sees the girls holding the knife and the knife in gulfs stomach. Mew's smile drops.

Mew: Gulf! Gulf! What did you do!

Artist: i-i didn't mean to mew. Mew s ran to Gulf and the artist ran out the door. Gulf fell into mews arms. Gulf coughed blood up.

Mew: g-gulf just stay awake please , everything going to be ok I promise. Just please dint close your eyes. Mew says crying. Tears drop on to Gulf. Gulf brings his hand up to mess cheek.

Gulf: I- l-love you , m-mew. Gulf says struggling to breathe.

Mew: no , no ,no , Gulf stay with me!

Mew quickly picks Gulf up bridle style and rushes him out the door. The staff start freaking out when they see mew carrying Gulf with a knife in him. Mew rushes Gulf to the hospital. The doctors rush Gulf back into surgery. Mew has gulfs blood all over his hands and is shaking. A doctor walks up to mew.

Doctor: sir , I'm sure he's going to be alright , he looks strong. Mew looks up at the doctor with tears in his eyes. The doctor hugs mew. Mew cries so hard.

Mew: i-i can't loose him. Mew says crying.

Doctor: it's gonna be ok. The doctor pulls away  from the hug and looks at mew.

Doctor: why don't you go wash your hands , and when he's out of surgery I'll let you know. The doctor says giving mew a reassuring smile. Mew nods and walks into the bathroom. He washes his hands and looks in the mirror. He takes a deep breath and walks out. He sits down in the waiting room. He can't stop him self from crying though. He knows how strong Gulf is , he knows Gulf is strong. He's still shaky and scared for and worried for Gulf. Mew waits for about 2 hours. The doctor finally comes up to mew and mew stands up. The doctor smiles at him.

Doctor: he's alright. He's awake and asking for you.

Mew: thank you so much. Thank you.

Doctor: your welcome. The doctor says smiling.

Mew quickly goes back into gulfs room. Gulf is sitting up. Gulf looks at mew.

Gulf: mew.

Mew: Gulf.

Mew rushes over and hugs Gulf. They both hug each other tight.

Mew: I'm so glad your ok. Mew pulls away from the hug and kisses gulfs forehead.

Mew: I love you so much Gulf.

Gulf: I love you too.

Mew: are you ok? Are you still in pain?

Gulf: it hurts still but I'm ok.

Mew smiles and hugs Gulf again.

Mew: I was so scared , I don't know how I would live without you. Your the most important person in my life.

Gulf:, it's ok , and I'm ok. Everything's ok now. I'm not going anywhere. Gulf says smiling at mew. Mew smiles back and kisses his forehead.

Mew: get some rest na.

Gulf: ok , you too.

Mew smiles and nods. Gulf lays down and falls asleep from the medicine. Mew holds his hand and watches him sleep.

The next day the make up artist gets arrested.

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