rainphayu , rains childhood comes to visit and phayu is jealous

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Emotionless_platypus I hope you like it 😊

Today rains childhood best friend is coming to visit him

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Today rains childhood best friend is coming to visit him. He's been in Korea for a year and now he's back in Bangkok. Rains exited to finally get to see him and he's exited for him to meet phayu. Rain and phayu are just at home getting ready. Rains friend is coming over to their house to meet them. Phayu is putting his shirt on and rain is cooking some desserts for when his friend comes over. Phayu comes downstairs and sees rain cooking. He walks up from behind him and kisses his neck.

Phayu: what are you making?

Rain: khao niao sangkhaya( it's a thai dessert ) , me and proi used to have this all the time when we were kids.

Phayu: ooo can I taste?

Rain: only one that's it , just untill proi gets here. Phayu smiles and eats one.

Phayu: mm their good , what did you become such a good cook.

Rain: my mom thought me how to cook these when we were kids , she used to cook them for us.

Phayu: would you like me to dress up as chef tonight? Phayu says smirking and moving his hands up rains hips and into his shirt from behind.

Rain: do you have a chef costume? Rain says smirking back.

Phayu: no but , I can buy one.

Rain: well then , I guess we'll have to see tonigh-the door bell rang.

Rain: oh that should be proi!

Rain quickly opens the door and is greeted by proi.

Rain: proi!

Proi: rain! They both hug each other.

Rain: I missed you so much! I have so much to catch you up on ooo and I want to hear all about Korea.

Proi: I have so much to tell you too!

Rain brings proi in and proi sits on the couch. Rain brings the dessrets over and sets them down. Rain sits next to proi and phayu sits next to rain. He wraps his arm around rains shoulder.

Rain: oh proi , this is p'phayu , he's my lover.

Proi: oh nice to meet you p'phayu. I'm proi.

Phayu: hi , nice to meet you too , rains told me a lot about you. Proi smiles and his cheek turns pink and he gets shy hearing that. He sips a drink of his water and sits it back down. Phayu noticed his he got all shy but rain didn't seem to notice.

Rain: so how was Korea?

Proi: it was awesome , I wish you could have been there with me. They have the best arcades and there is this one cafe that I always go to , their food/dessert is awesome.

Rain: ooo now I wanna try it , maybe me and p'phayu will go to Korea for vacation this year.

Phayu: of course I'll take you. Phayu says bopping rains nose. Rains smiles.

Proi: so how long have you guys been together?

Phayu: almost 2 years now.

Proi: I'm so happy for you rain.

Rain: thank you proi. So what about you? Any lovers?

Proi: nope , still single.

Rain: ooo I thought of a great idea!

Proi: what is it?

Rain: a sleep over! P'phayu can he stay the night?!

Phayu: sure , I don't mind.

Pori: rain do you have extra clothes I can wear?

Rain: yes , luckily we're the same size.

They continued talking for about 2 hours.


It was getting late now. Rain and proi was playing the Xbox together , phayu sitting beside rain watching them play. Proi kept getting really close to rain , he kept putting his hand on rains leg , shoulder , head and just sing touchy. Phayu did not like this , he knew proi felt something for rain. Everytime phayu tried to get rain alone to talk about proi , proi would always interrupt them.

They have been playing the Xbox for a little bit now. Proi went to the bathroom and phayu took this opportunity to talk to rain alone.

Phayu: rain we need to talk about proi.

Rain: what about him?

Phayu: I think he likes you.

Rain: well yeah why wouldn't he , we're best friends.

Phayu: no rain , I mean like like you. He's been getting really touchy with you and he got shy when you said you talked about him.

Rain: p'phayu that's nonsense , we've been best friends since kids. Don't worry , there's no need to be jealous , I love you and only you.

Phayu: I'm not jealous , I just don't trust him , he likes you and I can sense it.

Rain: you are jealous , I can't tell when your jealous.

Phayu: fine maybe a little bit , but still that's doesn't change the fact that he likes you.

Rain was about to say something but proi came out and sits next to rain. Phayu rolls his eyes and looks the other way.


Rain , proi and phayu are getting ready to go to bed.

Proi: rain can I sleep on your bed?

Rain: sure. Phayu get even more jealous hearing this. He left the room and went downstairs.

Rain: I'll be right back , I'm going to check on p'phayu.

Proi: ok.

Rain smiles at proi and then went downstairs. Phayu was sitting at the counter looking at the blnk wall. Rain came up from behind and backed hugged him. Phayu then turned around.

Rain: p'phayu please don't pout.

Phayu: I'm not pouting.

Rain: your mad.

Phayu: I just don't like him having a thing for you.

Rain: even if he does , it doesn't matter because I love you more than anyone. And I only like him as a best friend.

Phayu: I know but he wants to sleep in the same bed as you.

Rain: I'll tell him that he can't sleep with me then. Now please quit pouting. Rain took his finger and took phayu's mouth and made his lips into a smile. Phayu started laughing.

Rain: there's your smile.

Phayu: I love you rain.

Rain: I love you too p'phayu.

Rain took phayu's hand and walked back upstairs. 

Rain: um proi , I'm going to sleep with p'phayu tonight.

Proi: ok , that's fine. Proi smiles and left the room. Phayu lays down on the bed with rain and cuddled with rain.

Phayu: I'll never let anyone else take you from me.

Rain: I know and I'll never let anyone else take you either. They both smile and fall asleep in each other's arms

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