kinnporsche , Porsche is traumatized from when Vegas attacks him

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

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Porsches dream.....

Porsche is being pinned down on a bed. A man is on top of him.

Man: don't worry , I'm not gonna hurt you.

Porsche then wakes up scared and breathing heavy. Tears fall from his eyes. The night he got kidnapped , a man was gonna do something to him but kinn came just in time. But they never saw who the man was. Porsche was blindfolded the whole time so he didn't see him either.

Kinn: porsche calm down , it was just a nightmare. Just breathe. Kinn hugs Porsche.

Every night he has the nightmares kinn always comforts him and stays by his side. Porsche is thankfully for kinn.

Kinn: it's ok , I'm right here with you. Kinn says rubbing Porsches back. After Porsche is calmed down he pulls away from the hug. Kinn wipes Porsches tears away.

Kinn: get some rest ok.

Porsche nods and lays back down. Kinn wraps his arms around Porsche and Porsche Barrie's his head into kinn's chest. They both fall asleep.

The next day........

Kinn wakes up and sees Porsche still sleeping. He kisses his forehead and gets up out of bed. He let's Porsche sleep while he gets them breakfast. He walks back up with a tray , it has pancakes , bacon and juice on it. He sets it on the night stand and gently taps Porsche. Porsche wakes up and looks up at kinn. Kinn smiles at him and kinn pecks him in the lips. Porsche smiles back sits up. Kinn sits on the bed beside him. They eat their breakfast and then shower and get dressed. Kinn goes in his office and Porsche goes to the lobby where Pete is.

Porsche: hey Pete.

Pete: oh , hey Porsche.

Pete: Khun made me watch series with him all night , I'm so tired.

Porsche: oh sorry man , maybe he'll get tired of watching them soon.

Pete: I doubt it.

Ding! Pete's phone.

Pete: I got to go , Khun needs me.

Porsche: good luck.

Pete: thanks. Pete says walking away.

Porsche doesn't really trust anyone except Pete and kinn. Porchay ( Porsches brother ) is studying at university so Porsche is glad that porchay is safe. All he cares about is his brother being cafe. All the bodyguards are being called outside and to stand in a line. Porsche doesn't really know what's going on but just stand next to Pete.

Porsche: what's going on?

Pete: master Vegas and his brother are coming.

Porsche: who?

Pete: kinn's cousin is master Vegas , they come to talk business.

Porsche: oh ok.

A few cars pull up. A handsome guy gets out of the car , he has a sharp jaw line , a smirky smile and dark eyes. It's Vegas , kinn's cousin. Macau is vegas's brother. Vegas , Macau and some of their bodyguards walk past and into the house. The rest of them fi into the house and go into the meeting room. Porsche and Vegas makes eye contact. Porsche starts having flashbacks of the night he was drugged and kidnapped. Kinn notices Porsche holding his head , he quickly rushed over and takes Porsche out of the room.

Kinn: Porsche what's wrong?! Kinn says worried.

Porsche: k-kinn , it's him , I think he's the one that was there that night.

Kinn: who?

Porsche: v-vegas.
.kinn face then turns into full anger. He walks back with Porsche. Kinn pulls his gun out and marches up to Vegas.

Kinn: you bastard! How could you do that!

Everyone starts pulling their guns out and wondering what kinn's talking about.

Pete: Mr.kinn what's going on?!

Kinn: this asshole was the one who attacked Porsche! I'm gonna fucking kill him!

Pete: mr.kinn don't! Please just put the gun down. Please.

Kinn: why should I!

Pete: because killing him is not going to do anything. It's just going to cause more and more war. Just please.

Kinn is hesitating to put the gun down. He turned to Porsche. Porsche is giving him don't do to eye. Kinn puts the gun down and punches Vegas.

Kinn: you deserve so much fucking worse!

Kinn takes Porsches hand and gets him out of there. Vegas and his guys leave before anymore drama starts.

Kinn: I can't believe that asshole!

Porsche: kinn , please calm down.

Kinn: I'm sorry , I just , I can't stand seeing his face after knowing what he did to you.

Porsche: I know , but getting angry isn't gonna solve anything. Like Pete says , it's going to cause more war.

Kinn: I know. I'm sorry. Porsche gesture's for kinn to come sit. Kinn sits down on the bed next to Porsche. Porsche kisses kinn in the lips.

Porsche: when your angry , just think of me.

Kinn: I love you Porsche.

Porsche: I love you to. They both smile at each other and hug.

Kinn: I won't let him hurt you ever again , I promise.

Porsche: thank you kinn.

2:30 am......

Kinn: Porsche wake up! Your dreaming!

Porsche quickly sets up breathing heavy. Kinn pulls him into a hug. Porsche Barrie's his face into kinn's chest. Kinn strokes his hair calming him down.

Kinn: shh , it's ok , I'm right here with you.

They hug for about 10 minutes. Porsche falls asleep in kinn's arms. Kinn kisses Porsches for head and lays him down on the pillow. He wraps his arms around Porsche and falls asleep next to him.

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