jeffbarcode , barcode has epilepsy

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Alekuki06 I hope you like it 😊

The kp cast had just got done filming the 7th episodes of kinnporsche

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The kp cast had just got done filming the 7th episodes of kinnporsche. Barcode is stay over at Jeff's house tonight because it's storming and barcodes parents aren't hike right now.

They was all heading out and leaving for tonight. Barcode was waiting on Jeff to get done in the bathroom. He got a little dizzy and set down. Barcode had epilepsy , he didn't tell any of the cast members because he was afraid they would think he's a sick kid.

After a few minutes Jeff came out of the bathroom.

Jeff: ready to go?

Barcode: krub. ( Krub means yes ).

Barcode stood up still dizzy. They walked to the car and Jeff started driving. Barcode rested his head back on the seat.

Jeff: you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok p'jeff , just tired.

Jeff: alright , you should go to sleep when we get to my house then.

Barcode nods his head. Jeff continues focusing on the road. Barcode isn't as dizzy as he was before. They soon arrive at Jeff's house. Jeff s brother is also there. His name is Jessie.

Barcode and Jessie get along pretty good. They became good friends fast. They walk into the house and Jessie has ready set up some food for them.

Barcode and Jeff sit down at the table and they all started eating the food that Jessie made for them.

Barcode: thank you for the food p'jessie.

Jessie: no problem. Jessie says smiling.

After they finish eating they all start getting ready for bed. Jeff gives barcode a pair of his pants and shirt. Barcode puts them on. Barcode is sleeping in Jeff's room.

Jeff is changing in the bathroom. Jeff came out and started hanging his clothes up. Barcode begin to get really dizzy. Everything started going blurry. He then fell to the ground and starts shaking and kicking his legs.

Jeff quickly ran over to him.

Jeff: barcode! Jessie! Jessie call an ambulance!

Jessie came running in and seen what's going on. He quickly pulled out his phone and called 911.

Jeff helds barcodes head on his lap. Jessie brought a cold paper towel in and Jeff wipes barcodes face with it trying to get him to get him to come out of it.

Jessie tries to get barcode to stop kicking his feet. About 5 minutes later they hear sirens.

Jessie quickly let's the paramedics in and they put barcode on a stretcher. Jeff and Jessie get in the car and follow them to the hospital.

They wait in the waiting room for the doctor. They wait for about 20 minutes. The doctor finally comes into the waiting room.

Doctor: ok so don't worry he'll be fine he just had a seizure , it's most likely because of his epilepsy. You can see him now.

They are confused when the doctor says they barcode has epilepsy. They quickly walk back into barcodes room. Barcode is sitting on the bed.

Barcode looks at them. He knows they probably know about his epilepsy. He's scared of what they'll think.

Jeff walks up to barcode and gives him a tight hug. Jessie joins the hug.

Jeff: I'm so glad your ok , I was so worried about you.

Jessie: me to.

After a few minutes they pull away from the hug and sits down in a chair beside barcode.

Jeff: barcode we need to talk about something , why did the doctor say you had epilepsy?

Barcode: because....I do.

Jeff: what , why didn't you tell anyone? What would have happened if me and Jessie wasn't there with you.

Barcode: I know , I'm sorry , I just didn't want you guys to think I'm a sick kid.

Jessie: barcode we would never think that.

Barcode: thanks p'jessie. Barcode says smiling.

Jeff: we would never think that alright.

Barcode nods and smiles.

Jeff: I think you should get some rest for now.

Barcode nods and lays back down. Jessie and Jeff stay beside barcode all night.

 Jessie and Jeff stay beside barcode all night

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