jeffbarcode , barcode faints

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The kinnporsche has been filming not stop this whole week. They was all exhausted especially barcode. He also had school to do , he has to study at night , go to school and then right after school he has to go straight to the filming studio and start shooting. And barcode had exams this week so he had to study all night practically. He barely had time for sleep. He wasn't complaining though because he knows he lucky to have these opportunities.

It was 6:30 am. Barcode was getting ready for school as usual. He kept yawning from being so tired. He's been going to bed at 4:00 am for the past week. He splashed some water in his face and heads down to catch the bus.

B mom: hey honey , do you want some breakfast?

Barcode: no it's ok mom , I have to hurry or else I'll miss the bus.

Barcode hurries out the door to catch the bus. He gets on and the bus leaves. All day in school he could barely keep his eyes open. He fell asleep a couple of times in class. The teacher kept waking him up.

After school he headed straight to the filming studio. When he walked everyone was already there. Jeff walked up to barcode.

Jeff: you ok? You look tired. what time did you go to sleep last night?


Jeff: you need to go to bed earlier.

Barcode: I know p'jeff , but I need to study for my exams.

Jeff: I know but sleep needs to come first , go to bed earlier tonight.

Barcode: I will. Barcode says walking over to the couch.

Jeff:, I mean it barcode , I will be checking.

Barcode flops down onto the couch and rest his bed back. As soon as he closed his eyes he goes into his dream land.

Apo and Mile are filming their scene right now so they just let barcode sleep untill its his and Jeff's scene.

mile and apo's scene is over , now Jeff's and barcodes scene now. Jeff gently tapped barcode awake. Barcode yawned and got up from the couch. They walked over to their scene spot and started getting in character. They had 2 other scenes after this one.

They did their first 2 scene , they are getting ready to do their last scene. Barcode is really tired. They are already in character.

Director: action!

The scene:

Jeff character is teaching barcodes character how to play a song.

After they play the song they get up.

Barcode: can we practice more tomorrow?

Jeff: I can't , I have something tomorrow.

Barcode: ok , that's fine p'kim.

They look into each other's eyes for a few minutes. Jeff steps closer to barcode and kisses his cheek and pulls him into a hug. Barcode starts feeling dizzy.

Director: cut!

Barcode didn't let go of Jeff. Everything starts going black for him. He faints inti Jeff's arms. Jeff quickly catches him.

Jeff: barcode! Barcode!

Director: give him some space , somebody get some water.

Jeff puts barcodes head on his lap. He hold his hand. They bring water and a paper towel over. Jeff get the paper towel wet and gently puts it on barcodes face to try and wake him up. A few minutes later barcode starts waking up.

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