zeenunew , zee yells at nunew and nunew faints because of a fever 🤒

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Kaisahsparkle I hope you like it 😊

Zee had a really tight schedule these last few days

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Zee had a really tight schedule these last few days. He's hardly had time to be home with nunew. Zee and nunew are dating. Nunew moved in with zee a few months ago. They plan on buying their own house soon.


It was a long day for zee today. He had several interviews. He was relieved the day was over and he can head home now. Zee walked into the house , nunew walked up to him with a smile.

Nunew: hia , I made your favorite dinner tonight since you've been working hard this past week.

Zee: nhu I appreciate it but I think I'm just gonna go to bed.

Nunew: but hia you need to eat something. You've been working all day.

Zee: nhu , not right now.

Nunew: but hi-nunew gets cut off.

Zee: nhu I said not right now! I already told I want to go to bed. I tell you no but you keep nagging me , I think I'm starting to spoil you too much! Zee then walked away and into the bedroom. Nunew couldn't believe how zee just talked to him , he's never talked to him that way before. Tears started pouring out of nunews eyes. He wipes them away and put the food in the fridge and cleaned the dishes. He changed into comfy clothes and laid down on the couch. He really didn't want to sleep with zee tonight. He can't get over what zee said to him. He fell asleep crying.


Zee went into the bedroom and changed into a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants. He laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. He felt guilty for what he said to nunew , he knows he made nunew upset by what he said , so he's going to apologize in the morning. He doesn't have any energy to do anything right now.

The next morning...

Nunew woke up feeling really cold. His body was aching and had a pounding headache along with a runny nose. He got up and put a sweatshirt on and turned the heat him. He went over to the kitchen and got a lack of ramen. He crushed them up and then out them in a bowl , he then out hit water in the bowl and let them sit. He was just waiting while staring at the wall feeling extremely dizzy.


Zee woke up and realized nunew wasn't next to him. He wonders if nunews slept in the bedroom last night. He got up went into the bathroom and showered. He didn't have any interviews or events today so his schedule was free today. He wanted to spend time and apologize to nunew today. After he was done showering , he got dressed and headed out of the bedroom. He saw nunew cooking and smiles at him. Zee started walking to him , before zee could say anything , nunew collapsed. Zee quickly caught him in his arms. He felt nunews head and realizes he's burning up.

Zee: nhu! Nhu! Please wake up!

Zee: just hold on baby please. I'm gonna get you help.

Zee quickly picked nunew up bridle style and carried to the car and quickly drove off.

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