mewgulf , mew's secretary Hurts Gulf

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Gulf is a model , he's known by a lot of people

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Gulf is a model , he's known by a lot of people. Gulf has just got a model job by a CEO of a company. He's really happy that he got this job.

Mew is the CEO of a company. He just hired a model , he hasn't met him but he's going to today.


Gulf just arrived at the company. he's a little nervous to meet mew. He takes a deep breathe and walks in. Gulf walks up to mess secretary.

Secretary: hi , you must be Gulf.

Gulf: um yes , I am Gulf.

Secretary: right this way then , mew is waiting for you.

Gulf: krub thank you. Gulf says bowing his head and puting his hand together. The secretary takes them to a room. There's camera people sitting up , make-up artist , and mew. Mew walks over to Gulf.

Mew: hi , you must be Gulf.

Gulf:, yes. Gulf says moving a piece of hair back behind his ear and smiling nervously and shy. Mew is struck by gulfs beauty. Mew gives him a warm smile.

Mew: it's nice to meet you.

Gulf: it's nice to meet you to mr.mew.

Mew: please , call me mew.

Gulf: ah ok , thank you mew.

Mess secretary is making a jealous face. She can't believe gulfs aloud to call him mew , she could tell that new had eyes for him. She's been in love with mew for a while now. Mew took Gulf over by the make-up artists. They started doing gulfs make up and picking an outfit for him. After their done with his make-up , Gulf goes into the dressing room to change into his clothes. After he gets dressed he walks out ready. Mew smiles and Gulf smiles back. Gulf walks in front of the camera. He starts posing and the photographers start snapping pictures. Mew can't help but smile at him.


After the photoshoot , the photographers pack up and leave along with the make-up artists. Gulf is packing up his things up , mew walks up to him nervous. Gulf could tell he was nervous.

Mew: um are you leaving now?

Gulf: yes , I was just about to head out.

Mew: would you um you like to go out for some coffee maybe?

Gulf: I'd love to.

Mew: I'll see you outside then. Gulf smiles.

Gulf: see you outside then.


Gulf meets mew outside. Mew smiles and opens the car door for gulf.

Gulf: thank you krub. Gulf says getting into the car. Mew shuts the door and gets into the driver seat. He starts the car and pulls away.

Mew: I know a really great coffee shop a few blocks away. Gulf smiles and nods.


They arrive at the coffee shop , they walk in and set down at a table. A waiter comes up to the .

Waiter: hi , what would you like? Mew let's gukf order first.

Gulf: I'll have black coffee , and milk in it.

Mew: I'll have brown coffee with some surger in it.

Waiter: great , I'll have that right out in a few. She smiles , and boss and then leaves.

Mew: I'm really glad I chose you to be the face of my company.

Gulf: me too , thank you so much

Mew: so how long have you been modeling for?

Gulf: um about 3 years. When I was a kid , I always loved watching fashions shows , I went to one once , my mom took me. The waiter brings their coffee back.

Gulf: so what about you? How long have you been in charge of the company?

Mew: 5 years.

Gulf: that's awesome. Gulf says taking a sip of his coffee. Mew smiles and takes a sip of his coffee.

They talk and get to know each other a little bit more. Mew drives gulf home.

Gulf: thank you so much for taking me out for coffee , I had a good time. Maybe we can do this again.

Mew: yeah , definitely. Goodnight Gulf.

Gulf: goodnight mew. They both smile at each other.


2 months later...

Mew and Gulf are boyfriend's. They started dating a week after their date. They've both been really happy with each other. They are going in a romantic date tonight. It's on the beach.

Gulf is ready. He grabs his phone and heads out , he's going to meet mew there. He drives to the beach and parks. He goes to get something out of the car when he gets hit in the head. He falls to the ground. He looks up to see mew's s secretary.

Gulf: w-what are you doing?

Secretary: mew is mine! Mine! And you can't have him!

Gulf: w-what?

Secretary: he's mine! She hits him again.


Mew is sitting at the table waiting for Gulf. He's getting worried because Gulf has just texted him that he's here. Mew decides to go look for him. He sees his car and walks up to it. Mew then looks and sees his secretary hitting Gulf and Gulf is laying in the ground. Mew quickly ran over to them. He pulled his secretary off of Gulf.

Mew: what the hell are you doing to him!? Mew bent down to Gulf and helped him up. Gulf was really dizzy from getting hit on the head. Gulf has his head on mews shoulder.

Secretary: don't choose him mew! Choose me!

Mew: are you crazy! I love Gulf , I love him more than anything!

Secretary: AHHHH!! YOU'LL REGRET IT SOMEDAY! BOTH OF YOU! She Strom's off. Mew made sure to call the police on her. She got arrested when she got to her house. G

As she stormed off , mew went to ask Gulf if he's ok , but before he could Gulf fainted into his arms.

Mew: Gulf! Gulf , Gulf cam you hear me!? Gulf wasn't waking up. Mew quickly picked Gulf up and put him in the car. He rushed him to the hospital.


At the hospital...

Mew was waiting back in gulfs room , he was holding his hand. The cops called mew and told him they started his secretary. Mew looked over and saw gulf waking up. He helped him sit up.

Mew: Gulf are you ok?

Gulf: yeah , j got a headache but , I'm ok.

Mew: do you need anything?

Gulf: no , I'm ok.

Mew: the cops arrest her , she can't hurt you anymore. I'm always going to protect you no matter what. That's why I was thinking , maybe you should move in with me. I know it might be too soon and you don't have to I just want to protect y-gulf kissed mew.

Gulf: I'd love to move with you. Gulf says smiling. Mew smiles and hugs Gulf.

Gulf: I love you mew.

Mew: I love you too. They both stare into each others eye and smile.

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