Seanwhite , whites dad hurts him and black feels it😶‍🌫️

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Diana3918138 I hope you like it 😊

Sean , white , black , gram , yok , Dan , and gunpa are all at the garage hanging out and just talking

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Sean , white , black , gram , yok , Dan , and gunpa are all at the garage hanging out and just talking. White was sitting beside Sean playing on his phone , when he got a text message from his dad.

Dad: meet me at the house unless you want your boyfriend and your friends to get hurt.

White didn't know what his dad wanted. He just wanted to protect his friends and Sean. Their his family. White has to find and excuse to leave.

White: I'll be back , I'm going to buy some chips at the gas station.

Sean: I'll come with.

White: no it's fine , I'll only be fine for s few minutes , stay here and rest.

White quickly grabs his jacket and leaves. Sean can tell white is lying. White left and started driving to his dad's house. When he arrives he walked in and seen his dad with some other people. Whites dad walked up to him.

White: dad , why did you want me?

Dad: white , these are some of the best CEOs I know. They are looking for a replacement for their company , one of their workers got fired and I spoke to them about you.

White: dad , I already told you , I don't want to work at anyone's company , I already have something figured out.

Whites dad grabbed his wrist and took him into a bedroom. He looked angry about what white said.

Dad: white! You will do this, just ditch that stupid gang of yours and work at a nice and rich company.

White: I don't care about money , your the only one who care about money! I'm happy with Sean and my friends. Their my family!

Whites dad slaps him across the face.

The garage...

Black was walking to sean to see where white was and he felt a sting go across his face.

Sean: what's wrong you?

Black: where white?

Sean: he went to the gas station why?

Black sighs and walks over to gram and yok. Sean rolls his eyes and text white to see where he is.

Sean: white , are you almost back yet?

No response. Sean felt worried like something was wrong.

Dad: your making yourself a failure!!!

White: then I'm happy being a failure then! I'm happy where I am and what I'm doing! And you won't take that away from me!

Whites dad then pinned him against the wall and wrapped his hands around his neck.

Sean kept checking his phone. Black was talking to gran and yok when suddenly he couldn't breathe. He grabbed his neck gasping for air. Everyone starts freaking out and worried. He fell to the floor still grabbing his neck.

Sean: black! What happened!?

Gram: what's happening!

Black: w-wh-white.

Sean's eyes then filled with even more worry. Black then is able to breathe. He gets up and starts coughing. Sean tracked his location and realized he was really at his dad's house.

Sean: he's at his dad's house!

Black: we have to go get him , he's getting hurt.

They all rush outside and get into their motorcycles and drive off.

Whites dad then drops him to the floor and starts kicking him.

Dad: you will do this!

White: I sad , no! It's my life!

Dad: you and your brother are nothing just screw his in this family! I wish we wouldn't have raised you , you ruining the family reputation! Whites dad goes to punch him but black grabs his fist and slams him on to the floor.

Black: leave him alone! You ruined are lives enough already!

Sean quickly goes to white. Sean is holsikf white in his arms and white is holding so tight on to Sean. Yok , gram and gunpa have to pull black off of their dad.

Black: from now on , stay out of our lives!

Sean helps white up and they leave the house and go back to the garage. Sean and white are sitting in the couch , Sean is cleaning white wound on his face. After he cleans his white rest his shoulder in Sean's shoulder.

Sean: it's ok , I'm not going to let him hurt you , your safe with me.

White pecks Sean in the lips.

White: thank you , I love you Sean.

Sean: I love you to , white. They both smile at each other.

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