jeffbarcode , barcodes rope breaks when he's bungy jumping.

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The kinnporsche cast are all going bungy jumping today. Barcode is very exited to go , becauses he's never been bungy jumping before. None of them really has before. barcode is getting ready. He puts his sweatshirt on and puts his shoes on and then walks downstairs. Jeff is already downstairs with apo waiting. Barcode junks in excitement. Jeff thinks it's adorable how exited barcode is.

Jeff: are you ready? Jeff says smiling.

Barcode: yeah!

Apo: I'm gonna take a picture of me flying in the air. Apo says exited.

Jeff: alright let's go.

They all go outside and get into the car. Jeff is driving.

30 minutes later...

They arrive at the place. They get out and walk up to the others. Barcode is running all over the place exited. Jeff thinkis it's cute , he finds himself smiling.

10 minutes later...

Everyone's getting snapped into their harnesses. After they all get snapped in , their ready to jump. Jeff and barcode are going together.

Jeff: barcode , are you ready?

Barcode: yeah! Barcode says nervous and exited. They hold hands and jump. After they jump the others jump to. Everyone goes for a couple more rounds. Barcode and Jeff are going to go one more time. They are getting ready to jump , they both hold hands and jump. Barcode's cable starts to break. It snaps and he goes to fall but Jeff grabs his hand.

Jeff: barcode! Don't let go!

Barcode: i can't hold on much longer! My hands slipping! Jeff holds on tight as he can but barcides hand slips and he falls into the river below. The other seen this and start freaking out. Jeff starts screaming and fresking out. When Jeff is back at the top , him and the other rush down to the river. They swim into the river and start looking for barcode. Jeff goes under water and looks many places but doesn't see him. He goes back under and sees him at the bottom. He quickly swims down and grabs his shirt and pulls him back up. He's unconscious and not breathing. He pulls him out of the way and lays him in the ground. The others are freaking out and. Jeff starts perform CPR on him. He closes barcodes nose and blows into his mouth. He then pumps his chest and blows into his mouth again. He does it at least 4 times. Barcode still isn't breathing. Jeff is crying and freakng out. He starts pumping his chest again.

Jeff: come on dammit wake up!

He blows into barcode's mouth again. Barcode then starts coughing and spitting up water.

Barcode: *cough * cough  barcode spits up water.

There all relieved he woke up. Jeff holds barcide in his arms. Barcode cries into Jeff's arms from being so scared , he's shaking and cold. Jeff takes his jacket off and wraps it around barcode. He helps barcode up and walk him back to the car. Jeff drives barcode to the hospital to make sure he's ok. The doctors heck him out and everything's fine. Barcode us going to stay with Jeff tonight.

They go back to Jeff's place , barcode goes into the bedroom and lays down on the bed. He's under the covers still shaken up about today. Jeff comes in and sits on the bed beside him.

Jeff: barcode , are you alright?

Barcode: I'm ok phi Jeff , just cold that's all.

Jeff: come here , I'll warm you up. Barcode scoots closer and lays his head on Jeff's chest while Jeff strokes his hair.

Jeff: are you sure your ok?

Barcode: yea.

Jeff: alright, get some rest then.

Barcode: ok.

Barcode feels safe when he's with Jeff , he feels arm when he's hugging him. They both fall asleep.

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