fortpeat , peat scolds fort but doesn't know something bad happened to his fam

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Fort and peat had an interview today , but fort has to cancel because he found out that his grandpa past away yesterday

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Fort and peat had an interview today , but fort has to cancel because he found out that his grandpa past away yesterday. He was in his house getting ready for the funeral. He didn't tell anyone why he canceled the interview because he didn't want to burden anyone or have the fan worry about him. He put his tie on and left the house. Fort arrived at the funeral and walked in. His family was talking with each other , some was sitting down in chairs , and some were over by the casket crying. A few tears fell from forts eyes. He was pretty close to his grandpa. He cried harder as the funeral went on.


It was now after the funeral , fort has had just got home. He took his tie off and set on the bed. He whipped the dried up tears off of his face. About 10 minutes later he heard knocking at the door. He got up and opened it , he saw peat standing there holding his phone.

Fort: peat , what are you doing here? Fort says as peat walks into his apartment.

Peat: you weren't answering your phone. Fort had put his phone on silent while at the funeral and forget to turn it off silent mode.

Fort: oh sorry , I had it on silent mode.

Peat: fort , why'd you cancel the interview the last minute? People are really mad about it.

Fort: I know , I'm sorry it's just...fort thought it might be rude to burden peat with this so he figured he wouldn't tell him and just keep it to himself.

Fort: I was just really tried today , I'm sorry peat.

Peat: fort you can't just skip the interview because your tired. We're all tried. A lot of people is angry about it.

Fort: I know and I'm sorry peat.

Peat: I just don't understand why you would cancel last minute though.

Fort had tears building up. He quickly turned around and set on the couch. Peat followed and set next to him. Tears started running down fort face.

Peat: fort , why are you crying? What's wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean to get upset at you. Peat saysbjna soft and worry tone.

Fort: peat , it's not your fault. The reason I canceled this morning is because I found out my grandpa passed away. I had to go to his funeral. I'm sorry. Peat then felt guilty for getting upset at fort. Peat pulls him into a hug and patts his back.

Peat: I'm sorry about your grandpa. And I'm sorry for getting upset at you. It was just a stupid interview , your more important than a interview.

Fort: thank you peat , and it's ok , you had every right to get upset.

Peat: i shouldn't have get upset at you though , I should have just asked why instead of scolding you. I'm sorry.

Fort: it's ok. Peat wipes forts tears away.

Peat: are you ok?

Fort: yeah , I'm ok. Thank you for always being by my side peat.

Peat: your welcome , and thank you for always being by my side too.

Fort: how are you getting home? It's storming really bad outside.

Peat: I'll be ok.

Fort: stay here , I don't want you driving in the storm.

Peat: are you sure?

Fort: yes. Fort says smiling. Peat smiles back.

Fort: I have some extra clothes you can wear. Fort gets clothes and hands them to peat. Peat changed into them and walks into the bedroom. Fort is sitting on the bed. Peat sits beside him.

Peat: goodnight fort.

Fort: goodnight peat.

Peat smiles and lays forts head on his chest. Fort smiles and falls asleep listening to peats heartbeat. Peat kisses his forehead and falls asleep.

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