zeenunew , nunews cat July gets hit by a car

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weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

weronikagrass2004 I hope you like it 😊

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⚠️ Animal's death ⚠️

Zee and nunew have been dating for 2 years now. Nunew moved in with zee about a year ago. They've been really happy. July sleeps with nunew and zee almost every night. ( July is nunews cat ).

Zee had a solo interview today. Nunew was helping him get ready for it. Nunew was helping zee out his jacket on.

Zee: I'll be back around 7:30 and when I get back , I'll take you to some dinner. Zee says pecking nunews lips.

Nunew: thank you hia.

Zee: I love you nhu. Zee says smiling.

Nunew: I love you too. Nunew says smiling back.

July the runs up to zee and hugs his leg. Zee picks him up and pets him.

Zee: aww and I'll see you too when I get back. Zee kisses July.

Zee: we'll bring you some treats on the way back from dinner. Zee hands July to nunew and nunew let's July and gives him some kisses.

Zee: bye my too favorite people in the whole wide world.

Nunew: bye hiaaa.


It's about 2:45 pm. Nunew is cuddling and watching a movie with July. The movie ends and nunew is bored.

Nunew: do you wanna go play hm. Nunew says letting July.

Nunew carries him and sets him by his toys. He watches July play with a yarn of ball. About 10 minutes later the door bell rings. Nunew gets up and answers it. It's the mailman with a package. Nunew ordered a new you for July a couple of days.

Mailman: sign here please. Nunew signs and takes the package.

Nunew:, thank you.

The mailman leaves. Nunew sets the package down before closing the door , july sprints just the door. Nunew quickly runs after gun

Nunew: July no! July!

Nunew ran after him but July kept running. A car then was speeding and July ran out into the road. Nunew ran as fast as he could. But it was too late , July got hit by the car. Nunew frozee on horror. He fell to his knees and broke down crying.

Nunew: July! July no! Nunew says in tears.


Zee's interview was getting ready to start. Zee got a call , he answers it.

Zee: hey nhu , why are you calling? Is everything ok?

Nunew: j-j-jul-july , h-he's d-de-dead. Nunew says sobbing uncontrollably.

Zee: nhu just hold on I'm coming. Just hold on ok. Zee ran out of that interview place. He speeded to nunew. He pulled into the drive way and seen nunew on the ground crying and seen July in the road. Zee quickly ran to nunew and hugged him.

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