jeffbarcode , Barcode is sick and hides it and ends up fainting twice

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
Tonight is apo's birthday party. Jeff , barcode , Bible , build , mile , tong , ta , bas , us , and pong are all going to hang out with apo tonight for his birthday.

Beep!beep! Barcode's alarm.

Barcode woke up feeling horrible. His head was pounding , his body was aching , his nose was runny and his throat was score. He managed to get up and shower and get changed. He felt bad if he would miss apo's birthday , so he decides to just go anyway and try to just suck it up. he didn't want the others to know he was sick because he didn't want to ruin apo's birthday party. He went down stairs and got a glass of water. His parents weren't home this whole week so he hears going to be alone this whole weekend. After he finishes his water he heads to school. Jeff is supposed to pick him to after school and go straight to apo's house.

Barcode walks to school , he Feels so low and empty , like he has no energy. He feels like dropping over any minute now. When he gets to school , he walks to his first class and sits down. He puts his head down on his desk falls asleep. He sleeps through the whole class , he only wakes up when the school bell rings. He practically sleep through the whole school day. After school ends he starts walking to the parking lot. He sees Jeff leaning against his car waiting. Barcode then walks over and gets inside the car , Jeff then gets inside also.

Jeff notices barcode looking pale , he knows when barcode don't feeling well or if something is bothering him.

Jeff: barcode , are you alright? You don't look well.

Barcode:, yea , I'm fine.

Jeff: barcode , I know when you don't feel well , your pale we a ghost.

Barcode: p'jeff , I'm fine really. * Cough * cough.

Jeff: you really should get some rest barcode.

Barcode: I told you , I'm fine. I promised apo I would come to his birthday tonight.

Jeff: I'm sure apo would understand.

Barcode: p'jeff , please I'm fine.

Jeff: your stubborn you know that. Jeff says pulling out.

Barcode: thank you p'jeff.

Barcode rest his head against the seat and falls asleep. Jeff really wants barcode to rest, he knows how stubborn he can be though. He pulls into apo's drive way and parks. Everyone is in the back yard playing some music and dancing. Jeff wakes barcode up and they walk up to the front door. Barcode has his present in his hands. Apo answers it and barcode smiles and hands his present to him.

Apo: thank you so much barcode. You didn't have to get me anything though.

Barcode: your welcome p'apo.

Apo brings them in and walks to the backyard. Everyone taking or dancing. Tong walks up and hands barcode a drink. ( Juice )

Barcode: than you p'tong.

Tong: here come dance. Tong says pulling barcodes arm.

Tong: Jeff you to!

Jeff: I'm good. Jeff says sitting down.

Tong: oh come on , have some fun.

Jeff: I am having fun sitting down.

Tong: oii whatever , Your no fun.

Jeff keeps an eye in barcode. Barcode is dancing with tong and sipping his punch. After a little while barcode sits down to take a break from dancing. Barcode sips his punch while resting. A few minutes later mile comes out with a cake with candle lit while singing happy birthday.

Mile: 🎵 happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday dear apo.

Apo smiles and walks closer to Mile.

Mile: happy birthday apo.

Apo: thank you mile. Apo says smiling.

Mile: make a wish.

Apo closes his eyes and blows the candles.

Mile: what did you wish for?

Apo: i can't tell you or it won't work. Apo says smiling.

Mile laughs/smiles and sets the fake down.

Barcode: * cough * cough * cough * cough.

Mile: are you alright barcode?

Barcode: I'm alright p'mile. * Cough * cough.

Mile: you sure , you look paler then usual.

Barcode: I'm ok I promise.

Mile: alright.

Mile cuts the cake and gives everyone a piece. They all sit down and start eating their cake. Barcode's head feels like it's gonna explode , he feels so dizzy and has an upset stomach. He can't really finish his cake so he just gives the rest to apo. After cake they all start dancing again. Barcode rest on the couch , he feels like if he gets up he would just drop. Jeff stays beside barcode.

Jeff: you alright?

Barcode: I'm ok.

Jeff: barcode tin , your not well , you need to rest.

Tong: hey barcode! Come dance to this song!

Barcode: I'll be fine , don't worry p'jeff.

Barcode gets up and walks over to tong. He feels so dizzy like everything is spinning , he can barely stand up. barcode falls to the ground and everyone turns worried.

Jeff: barcode! Jeff quickly runs to him.

Jeff holds barcodes in his arms. Barcode then opens his eyes and sees everyone gathered around looking worried.

Jeff: barcode , are you ok? Jeff says really worried.

Barcode: i-im fine.

Jeff helps barcode stand up all the way. Barcode still feels really dizzy. He stumbles back and then collapses into Jeff's arms.

Jeff: barcode!

Jeff feels barcodes head and gets even more worried a he has a high fever.

Jeff: he's burning up.

Tong: take him to the bedroom , I'll get some medicine.

Jeff carries barcode to a bedroom and lay's him in the bed. Tong brings medicine in and a wet wash rag

Jeff: I got it from here.

Tong: ok , let us know when he wakes up.

Jeff: I will.

Tong leaves worried. Jeff takes the wet wash rag and wipes barcodes body down. Barcode then starts waking up.

Jeff: take this. Jeff says handing barcode the medicine.

Barcode swallows the medicine. Jeff sits on the edge of the bed beside him.

Jeff: I told you , your not well. You needed rest.

Barcode: p'jeff , please don't scold me , I know I should have rested but I felt bad if I would have missed apo's birthday.

Jeff: yes but your health is more important and apo would have understand. Get some rest , the medicine should help soon.

Jeff goes to leave but barcode grabs his arm. Jeff looks back.

Barcode: will you stay with me , please p'jeff. I don't want to be alone.

Jeff: yes.

Jeff gets into the bed and sits up against the bed. He lays barcode's head in his chest and wraps his arm around barcode. Barcode falls asleep in Jeff's arms. Jeff ends up falling asleep too. Tong , apo and build peek into the bedroom and start giggling and taking pictures.

Tong: I'm so posting this picture , their so cute.

Apo and build laugh and take pictures also.

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