jeffbarcode , barcode has a panic attack and faints at the airport

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
The kinnporsche cast are going To the Philippines tomorrow for world tour. Barcode is especially exited , he loves traveling to new places. Barcode is already packed up , he's up playing Roblox with apo and tong.

Tong: barcode , get your weapon out.

Barcode: I don't have bay weapons , I used them all.

Apo: tong watch out! There a zombie behind you!

Tong shot the zombie.

Barcode: ooo nice aim.

Tong: thanks.

Jeff_star3 just joined the server.

Tong: hey guys Jeff joined.

Barcode: hi p'jeff.

Jeff: what are you guys still doing up , we have an early flight tomorrow.

Tong: we're killing zombies duh.

Apo: Jeff help me kill these zombies.

Jeff: guys , we should all he sleeping , go to bed.

Jeff gets eaten by a zombie.

Tong: ha , Jeff just got eaten. That's what you get for being a fun downer.

Barcode: I'll go to bed after 2 more rounds I promise.

Jeff: 1.

Tong: 2

Jeff: 1

Apo: 3

Jeff: 2.

Tong: 2 it is.

Barcode: yay! Oh tong watch out.

Tong gets eaten by a zombie.

Tong: aww man , thanks a lot Jeff you made me die.

Jeff: I'm so sorry. Jeff types Sarcastically.

Barcode plays 2 more rounds with them and then shuts the game off. He cuddles with his teddy bear and falls asleep.

The next morning...

6:00 am.

Barcode was inside getting his stuff ready while waiting for Jeff. He set his suit case Infront of the front door and went into the kitchen to get a peice of toast and some juice. He set down at the kitchen counter and started eating and drinking his juice. About 10 minutes later Jeff text barcode.

Jeff: I'm outside.

Barcode: ok I'm coming p'jeff.

Jeff: did you pack everything you needed?

Barcode: yes , I packed everything.

Jeff: alright see you in a minute then.

Barcode: kk.

Barcode grabs his suit case and walks outside , Jeff helps him out his suitcase in the trunk. They both get back into the car and drive off.

Barcode: I'm so tire-yawning.

Jeff: well you shouldn't have been up all night playing Roblox.

Barcode: I went to bed when you told me to. So technically I didn't stay up all night.

Jeff: well still , you need to start getting more sleep at night.

Barcode: I know , I know.

They soon arrive at the airport , they walk in and see everybody else. Barcode walks up to apo. Their are 100s of fans screaming and holding signs up.

Barcode: hey p'apo.

Aop: hey barcode.

Tong: I still can't believe you let me get eaten by a zombie last night.

Barcode: I didn't have weapon to fight back.

Tong: apo could have saved me.

Aop: I was fighting off my own zombie.

Mile: what are you guys even taking about?

Barcode: Roblox.

Jeff: they was up practically all night , I had to get on to tell them to get off and go to bed.

Build: Roblox is fun , it's kinda hard to get off especially when your in a middle of a game.

Bible: since when do you play Roblox?

Build: since forever now.

Ta: ok enough about Roblox , if we keep taking we're going to miss are flight.

Aop: see flight isn't untill 8:00 am , it's 7:10.

Ta: well still , Enough about Roblox.

They all walk through the crowd , security guards escort them through the crowd. While they are walking through the crowd when a while bunch of fans run to them and swarm the place. The security guards get knocked out of the crown. Barcode gets swept into another crowd of fans. He gets swept into a corner , he starts panicking. He starts hyperventilating. Everything starts going black , he soon faints.

The others can't see barcode because of the huge crowd. They gett worried when they can't find him. They push a lot of people out of the way trying to find him. They try telling his name but to many people are screaming so he won't be able to hear. The security guard clears the crowd out , and the others see barcode in a corner unconscious. Jeff and the others rush to him.

Jeff: barcode! Barcode can you hear me!?

Apo: bring him over here away from everyone.

Jeff picks barcode up bridle style and carries him over to a little couch and lays him down.

Mile: I'll get him a water real quick.

Tong: barcode , barcode please wake up.

Mile: here. Mile says handing Jeff a water.

Jeff presses the cold water against barcodes face trying to wake him up. Barcode then starts waking up.  He Flinches from the coldness of the water. He opens his eyes and sees everyone standing around him looking worried. when he goes to sit up , Jeff grabs his arm and helps him sit up.

Jeff: slowly.

Barcode's gets sit up all the way , and leans his up against Jeff so he won't fall back down.

Jeff: barcode , are you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok now , I just panicked when their were so many people crowding me , and then everything started going black.

Mile: it sounds like you had a panic attack.

Apo: are you sure your ok?

Barcode: yea.

Jeff: alright , sit here and rest for now. Jeff says patting barcodes head.

The others walk around and just do whatever untill their flight is called , barcode has his head in Jeff's shoulder resting. Their flight is soon called and they board it. Barcode is sitting beside Jeff on the plane. barcode falls asleep in Jeff's shoulder. Jeff can't help but smile at him. He strokes his hair and watches him sleep.

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