jeffbarcode , barcode gets stabbed

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
Jeff and Barcode are staying in China this week. They've got fan meetings and interviews. They are staying at a hotel , ahd they are sharing a room. They've been their for 2 days now and they have had so much fun so far. They are gonna go to the movies today and tomorrow is their fan meeting.

They are in their hotel room getting ready for the movies right now. Barcode trying to cut the new tag off of his shirt and accidentally got a little cut on his finger by the scissors. Jeff saw this and panicked. Barcode has a condition where his blood is more liquid than normal people's blood and he bleeds a lot when he gets cut or hurt. He takes anticoagulant for it. Jeff quickly got a paper towel and wraps it around barcodes finger.

Jeff: hold on I'll get more paper towels. Blood was all over barcodes hand.

Jeff came back with more papers towels. He saw the blood all over barcodes hand and quickly put barcode's hand under the water. Jeff put a bandaid on it after he cleaned his hand off. He made sure to get it to quit bleeding first.

Jeff: are you ok?

Barcode: chi , it just hurts a little.

Jeff: do you wanna a kiss to make it feel better?

Barcode: yes. Jeff pecked barcodes lips.

Barcode: the cuts on my finger not my lips.

Jeff smirks and kisses barcodes finger. Jeff and barcode have been dating for a while now. Their parents supported their relationship.

Jeff: alright , let's get going or we'll miss the previews.

Barcode: ok , let's go! Barcode says exited.

Jeff holds barcode hand and walks out the door.


They walk into the move theater and buy two tickets to "terrifier ". They loved watching scary movies together. They walked into the cinema and set down. The movie started and they ate their popcorn and watched the movie.


The movie had ended and Jeff and barcode was now walking back to their car. It was dark and they was in an alley way where no one was really around. The car was parked at the end of the alley. They was just walking holding hands while minding their own business , when a group of guys walk up to them. Jeff and barcode could smell alcohol on them.

Guy: empty your pockets!

Jeff and Barcode did as they said and emptied all of their pocket. The guys took their wallets.

Jeff: look we don't want no trouble ok , so please can you just please ju-the guy punches Jeff.

Barcode: leave him alone you slum bags!

The guy then kicked barcode making him fall to the ground. Barcode groaned in pain. Jeff pinched the guy and then slammed him to the ground. The other guy went to punch Jeff but barcode pushed him to the ground. Othe other guy then took a knife out and lunged it in barcodes stomach.

Jeff: no! Barcode! The guys then took off. Jeff quickly went beside barcode. Jeff took his jacket off and put it on barcodes wound and put pressure on it. Barcode was bleeding a lot because of his condition. Jeff quickly pulled his phone out and called an ambulance.

Jeff: barcode keep your eye open , it's gonna be ok. It's ok , it's ok. Jeff says asvtears roll down his face. Barcode held Jeff's hand with all the strength he had. A few minutes later the ambulance came. They put barcode on the back of the ambulance and Jeff road with him. The ambulance was driving and Jeff was holdikg barcode's hand. The doctor was trying to help barcodes wound. Barcode went into cardiac arrest.

Doctor: he's going into cardiac arrest! He says to the other doctors. Jeff was worried and scared , he was shaking and crying and had blood all over him. He just wants barcode to be ok. They arrived at the hospital and they rushed barcode in and back into surgery. Jeff has to wait in the waiting room. He couldn't stop still , he was pacing back and forth.


Jeff has been Waiting for alsnot 3 hours. He's beginning to get impatient. He's worried about barcode and no one will tell him anything. He said ed for about another 35 minutes. The doctor finally comes out.

Jeff: is he ok?!

Doctor: well it took a while for it to stop bleeding , but we fjnslly manged to stop the bleeding and stich his wound up. Luckily , he made it , he's one lucky boy. Most kids woukndt have survived that , he's a tough kid. He's awake , he's asking for you. Room 14.

Jeff: thank you so much. Jeff ran back to bsrcided room. As soon ss he seen barcode , he ran so fast and hugged him so tight. Barcode Hughes him back.

Jeff: I'm so glad your ok. Jeff says crying of happiness.

Jeff: I love you so freaking much!

Barcode: I love you too phi Jeff but , I can't breathe.

Jeff: oh , right , sorry. Jeff says laughing a bit , barcode laughs along with him.

Jeff: are you cold? Do you need an extra blanket? Or are you hungry or thirsty? Or do you need cuddle-jeff gest cut off.

Barcode: phi Jeff , I'm ok. He says laughing.

Jeff:, I'm sorry , I'm just worried that's all.

Barcode: but I will take that cuddle. Jeff smiles and sits next to barcode. He puts barcode's head on his chest and wraps his arms around barcode.

Jeff: your the best thing that came into my life.

Barcode: I'm glad you came into my life to. Jeff smiles and snuggles barcode.

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