jeffbarcode , barcode gets stuck in a room and a fire starts

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
The kinnporsche cast was filming scenes today. Barcode was getting ready. He put on a comfortable sweatshirt , it was freezing outside today. He put his shoes on and went outside , Jeff was already outside. He got into the car and Jeff drove off. Jeff turned the heat up.

Jeff: did you get your home work done last night?

Barcode: yes phi.

Jeff: good , now you won't have to do it tonight.

Barcode: yea , and I can play Roblox all night tonight.

Jeff: no , that's no what I meant.

Barcode: aww come on phi Jeff. It's the weekend anyways.

Jeff: you need to rest at night. This is why your always tired. Jeff says laughing.

Barcode: yes but , it's worth it.

Jeff laughs while pulling into the filming studio. Jeff parks and they walk into the studio. Barcode runs up to apo.

Barcode: p'apo!

Apo: oh hey Barcode , what's up?

Barcode: we can play Roblox all night tonight!

Apo: awesome! Apo says high fiving barcode.

Tong: what are we talking about? Tong says walking up to them.

Barcode: I can stay up and play Roblox!

Tong: ooo yes , now all three of us can beat the mimic together.

Barcode: yay! Barcide jumps in happiness. Jeff laughs at how adorable he is.

P'pond: guys , let's start with mile and apo's scene!

Mile and apo then walk to go do their scene. One of the staff turns in the electric heater. Barcode goes into the music room to practice guitar. Everyone else is in the main area. One of the staff accidentally knocks over the heater without noticing. After a little while it starts getting really hot. Build smells somthjnf burning. He goes to check it out and sees fire spreading through the whole floor.

Build: fire! Guys get out fire!

Everybody starts freaking out and just running out of the building. They don't notice barcode isn't there because everyone just running. Barcode sees the fire spreading through the music room. He runs to the door but it's stuck. He's yelling and banging on the door but no one can here because the music room is sound proof.

Everyone gets outside and sees the building just in flames. Jeff sees barcode isn't anywhere to be seen. He starts freaking out.

Jeff: where's barcode! Where the hell is barcode!

Apo: oh my God! Barcodes still in there!

Jeff goes to runs back in but apo grabs his arm.

Apo: Jeff don't! It's too much fire!

Jeff: I don't care!

Jeff tanks hia arm away and runs back inside. He covers his face with his jacket so he won't breathe in smoke.

Barcode is on the ground barely conscious. He's coughing from breathing in smoke. Jeff is looking for barcode. He then sees something jamming the door by the music room. He kicks the door in and sees barcode barely conscious. He wraps barcodes arm around his shoulder and covers his face with the jacket. The fire is spreading through out the whole floor. He runs to the back of the hallway and bust the window out. The goes out the window with barcode.

Everhoke is freaking out about Jeff and barcode. Apo is trying to go in but Miles holding him back. They then see Jeff and narcide coming. They rush to them. Jeff sets barcode on the ground while holding his head on his lap.

Apo: is he ok?!

Jeff: he's barely conscious , he breathed in to much smoke. The ambulance and firetruck them come. The ambulance take barcode to the hospital. Jeff and the tigers go with him. When they get to the hospital , Jeff rushes back to barcode's room. He sees him laying on the bed sleeping. He's relieved to see him ok. He sits beside him and holds his hand waiting for him to wake up.

11:30 pm...

Barcode wakes up and sees Jeff looking out the window.

Barcode: p-phi Jeff.

Jeff quickly looks to barcode. He rushed to him and hugs him.

Jeff: I'm so happy your ok.

Barcode: is eberyoke else ok?

Jeff: yes ,Everyone's fine. Just worry about you first ok.

Barcode: what started the fire?

Jeff: the electric heater.

Barcode: oh.

Jeff: are you ok?

Barcode: yea.

Jeff: do you need water or anything?

Barcode: no , I'm not really thirsty.

Jeff: ok , get some rest na.

Barcode: will you lay with me?

Jeff: of course. Jeff says smiling and rubbing narcides head. He lays down next to barcode and wraps his arms around barcode. Barcode lays his head on Jeff's chest and they fall asleep together.

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