kinnporsche , some swaps Porsche medicine and Porsche faints 😵

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EmaraldBell I hope you like it 😊

Porsche is in the bathroom taking his medication for today. Porsche has recently been getting bad acid reflex , he's had it since he was a kid. He recently had gotten some medicine for it.

Kinn: Porsche have you taken your medicine yet?! Kinn says from The other room. The bathroom is only a room away from their room.

Porsche: yes! I'm taking it now!

Kinn: ok , Khun said dinner is ready! I'll meet you down stairs!

Porsche: ok! See you in a few minutes!

Porsche swallows his medicine and grabs his phone. He heads out of the bathroom and walks down stairs. Chay , Kim , Vegas , Pete , Macau , Khun , and kinn are downstairs at the table. Porsche it's down beside kinn. Their having a family dinner tonight. They usually have family dinners every Friday.

Chay: p'porsche can you hand me the mash potatoes?

Porsche: chi. ( Chi means yes).

Porsche hands the mashed potatoes to chay. Kim smiles at chay and places his hand on chays hand under the table , chay smiles back.

Kinn: ok , let's all try to get along , just one time please.

Porsche: kinn is right , we need to try and get along for once.

Khun: I agree. They all nod and agree.

2 minutes later...

Khun: Vegas I'm gonna kill you!!!

Vegas: not if I kill you first you bitch!

Kinn: well that didn't last long. Kinn says sipping his wine.


Porsche and kinn walk into their bedroom. Everyone had went home or back to their nedrokms after dinner. Porsche started feeling dizzy when they walked into the room. Before he could say anything , he callpases bon to the floor. Kinn catches his head before he could hit it.

Kinn: ai Porsche! Porsche!

Khun comes in with his pink robe on.

Khun: oii what's with the screaming?,

Kinn: Porsche , he fainted!

Khun: what! Oh my God Porsche! Porsche , please wake up don't die on us!

Kinn: Khun stop being dramatic , and help me get him to the car.

Khun and kinn wraps Porsche arms around their shoulders. They put him in the car , Khun is in the driver seat and kinn is holding Porsche in the back seat. Khun hits the gas. He's speeding but kinn doesn't care , he's more worried about Porsche. Khun parks the car in front of the hospital and they rush Porsche in. A doctor takes Porsche back while Khun and kinn wait in the waiting room. A doctor comes up to ask some questions.

Doctor: is Porsche in any medications?

Kinn: he's on ****for acid reflex. ( I only tagged it out because I don't know what it's called lol )

Doctor: there was a different type of medcine in his system. maybe he took the wrong medicine. He should be fine , it caused him to faint because the medicine he took was too strong for him. You can see him now.

Kinn and Khun go back to Porsche room. Porsche is sitting up and drinking a cup of water.

Kinn: Porsche are you ok?! Kinn says hugging Porsche.

Porsche: I'm ok , don't worry.

Kinn: the doctor said you took the wrong medicine.

Porsche: I'm pretty sure I took the right medicine. It was in the right bottle. All though it did taste different.

Khun: I'll ahhe arm and pol check if you took the right bottle hold on.

Khun calls arm.

Arm: hello mr.tankhun , what is it?

Khun: arm is pol there to?

Pol: yes sir ,I'm here.

Khun: good , I need you to check something. Porsche medicine bottle , check if it's the right one.

Pol: krub , yes sir.

Pol and arm go to the bathroom and check it. They open the bottle and seen them a picture. Khum shows kinn and Porsche the picture.

Porsche: the bottle is the same but the pills aren't.

Kinn: tell arm and pol to check the security cameras. Someone might have switched the pills. Arm and pol check. Khun gets the security video and shows it to kinn. One of the new bodyguards switched his pills.

Kinn: I'll deal them later. For now , tell arm and pol to keep an eye on them.


The next day Porsche was released from the hospital and they all went back home. Kinn delt with the new bodyguard. Porsche was upstairs in the room resting. Kinn came into the room and sat beside him , he kissed his forehead.

Kinn: how do you feel?

Porsche: better , just tired.

Kinn: get some more rest then. Kinn says smiling and kissing Porsche lips.

Porsche:, will you cuddle with me?

Kinn: you don't even have to ask that. Kinn says already laying down beside Porsche and wrappikg his arms around Porsche. Porsche lays his head on kinda chest and kinn stroke his hair.

Kinn: I love you Porsche.

Porsche: I love you too. They both look into each other's eyes and smile.

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