fortpeat , fort fractured his leg 🦵 🦴

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AnanyaSharma297 I hope you like it 😊

Fort is staying over at peat's house tonight

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Fort is staying over at peat's house tonight. Their going to watch scary movies together and eat some popcorn. Peat is exited because he loves scary movies. Fort doesn't mind scary movies , he gets scared easily but he can handle scary movies. Fort really likes hanging out with Peat. They get along really good and they have a lot of things in common. it was a Friday. Fort was already on his way to peats house. After about 10 minutes he arrives and parks. He knocks on the door and peat answers. Fort walks in and takes his shoes off.

Fort: I brought some snacks.

Peat: ooo good , I also have snacks set up.

Fort: so what movie are we watching first? Fort says walking in the front living room with peat.

Peat: I was gonna wait untill you came so we can choose together.

Fort: ah ok. What about the conjuring?

Peat: I already watched it three times.

Fort: alright , how about chucky or Annabelle?

Peat: already watched them both. Fort laughs a little.

Fort: ok , oh I bet you haven't watched the terrifier.

Peat: I watched both. Peat says smiling and laughing.

Fort: omg. Fort says laughing.

Fort: hmm let me think. Ok how about sinister?

Peat: I didn't watch that one yet , sinister it is.

Fort and peat smile and fort turns on the sinister. Peat turns off the lights and sure back down on the couch.

Half way through the movie , peat has to use the bathroom. He gets up and walks upstairs and into the bathroom. After he was done doing his business he walked out of the bathroom. When he was walking down the stairs , he missed a step and fell down the rest of them. Fort heard a tumb and quickly rushed to see what happened. He seen fort on the ground crying and finding his leg in pain. Fort quickly ran over to peat.

Fort: peat what happened?!

Peat: m-my l-leg i-it h-hurts so b-bad. Peat says sobbing.

Fort: just hold on , we'll go to the hospital. Fort picked peat up bridle style and Carried him to the car. He put him into the car and speeds to the hospital. He carries peat in bridle style. He tells the doctor and they wait in waiting room to be called back into a room. They wait for over an hour because the hospital is so busy tonight. they are soon called back into a room. They take peat back in for an x-ray. About 15 minutes later the doctors come back with the x-ray.

Doctor: ok so , he's got a fracture in his leg. He'll have to have a cast in for 6 weeks and then come back and we'll see if it healed properly.

The doctor puts the cast in peat and they leave the hospital. Fort wraps peate arm around his shoulder and helps him back in the house. He sits him on his bed and fort goes and gets medicine for the pain. He gives it to peat and peat takes it. Fort helps peat lay down and he covers him up. He then puts a pillow by peats lef and puts peats leg on the pillow.

Peat: thank you fort. I'm sorry are movie night got ruined.

Fort: don't say sorry , it's not your fault , plus we have all the 6 weeks to watch movies and more. I'm gonna be your nurse for these next 6 weeks. Peat laughs and smiles.

Peat: thank you. Your the best nurse.

Fort smiles and laughs. He's so happy he got peat to smile. He lays down next to peat and peat lays his head on forts chest.

Peat: good night.

fort: goodnight peat.

They both fall asleep. Front helps peat and takes good care of him the next 6 weeks.

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