jeffbarcode , barcode has a heart attack

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Barcode was going to be staying with Jeff for the weekend because his parents are going on a work trip. He was exited to spend the week with Jeff and his brother. Barcode has met Jeff's brother(Jessie) a few times already. They became close the few times that they met. Barcode is also very exited to get a week off of work. The kinnporsche cast has been filming non stop the whole week. Barcode has also been doing school to and studying at night so he's exhausted. He already had his things packed for the week , He was just waiting on Jeff to come pick him up.

He was watching TV waiting on Jeff , when he felt a sharp pain go through his chest. He put his hand up to his chest. the pain lasted for about a minute , it felt like forever though. He didn't think much of it and just brushed it off. He continued watching his TV show and waiting in Jeff. About 15 minutes later he got a text massage from Jeff.

Jeff: hey I'm outside 😁.

Barcode: alright , I'm coming 🐻.

Barcode grabs his bag and heads outside. ( The bag has his things in it ). He gets into the car and buckles up.

Jeff: did you pack everything you need?

Barcode: krub. ( Krub means yes ).

Jeff: alright , let's go then. Jeff says driving away.

They hev been driving for about 10 minutes now. There about 5 minutes away from Jeff's house. Barcode gets another sharp pain in his chest. He holds on to his chest.

Jeff: barcode are you ok?

Barcode: i-im fine. It finally quits hurting. He takes his hand off of his chest and puts the window down a bit to get some air. He doesn't want to worry Jeff so he doesn't tell Jeff about the sharp pain.

Jeff: are you sure?

Barcode: ok ok I promise. Barcode says giving Jeff a small smile so he won't worry. Jeff nods still worried though.

A few minutes later they arrive at Jeff's house. Jeff parks the car. They get out and walk into the house.

Jessie: hey barcode , I'm glad your staying this week. Jessie says hugging him.

Barcode: me too.

Barcode sits his stuff in Jeff's room. Jeff is making them some popcorn. Jessie is watching some tv. Barcode walks into the front living room and sit down in the couch.

Jessie: wanna watch a scary moving?

Barcode: sure.

Jessie: Annabelle or the ring?

Barcode: Annabelle.

Jessie nods and turns on Annabelle. Jeff comes in with 2 bowls popcorn and sits down. He gives one to Jessie and puts one between him and barcode. Barcode takes a peice of popcorn and eats it.

They are about 45 minutes into the movie. Barcode gets up to use the bathroom. He walks into the bathroom and does his business. He then washes his hand. As he goes to leave the bathroom another pain goes through his chest. This time it's worser than before. Jeff feels as if his heart is going to explode. He falls to the ground holding his chest and groaning in pain. Jeff hears a thump and comes to check on Barcode. He sees barcode holding his chest and groaning in pain.

Jeff: barcode! Jessie call the ambulance now!

Jessie quickly picks the phone up and comes running to see what's wrong. Jessie tells them what's going on. Barcode is having trouble breathing.

Jeff: barcode just stay awake ok. Everything's going to be fine. Just don't close your eyes.

*Sounds of sirens outside *

Jessie quickly opens the door for them. They come rushing in and put barcode on a stretcher. They wouldn't let Jeff or Jessie ride in the back with him. Jeff and Jessie followed behind them.

They arrived at the hospital and rushed inside. they quickly go up to the front desk lady.

Lady: hello , what do you need?

Jeff: uh I was just wondering what room barcids tin is in.

Lady: the doctors are with him right now. He's in room 12 , you can't go back right now.

Jeff nods and him and Jessie wait in the waiting room. Tears starts to flow down Jeff's face. Jessie pats his back.

Jessie: he's gonna be fine , hass tough. Jessie hugs Jeff.

They wait there for about 20 minutes. The doctor finally comes up to them. They quickly get up.

Jeff: how is he?

Doctor: well he's ok now , he's sleeping from the medicine.

Jessie: what's wrong with him?

Doctor: he had a heart attack. It's rare for teenager , it can happen though , mostly due to stress/pressure or lack of sleep. He should be good to go home in a few days.

Jeff: can we see him now?

Doctor: yes of course.

Jessie and Jeff quickly walk back to barcode's room. They see him sleeping. They sit by his side. Jeff covers him up and holds his hand.

11:30 pm.....

Barcode starts waking up. Jeff quickly helps him sit up. Jessie is asleep.

Jeff: how do you feel?

Jessie: are you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok. It's just cold.

Jeff gives barcode his sweatshirts to wear. Barcode puts it on.

Jeff: barcode , why didn't you tell me you was stressed.

Barcode: I didn't want you to worry or burden you with my problems.

Jeff: barcode , you can always talk to me , and your never ever going to he burden to me. Your the most important person in my life right now.

Barcode: thanks p'jeff. Barcode says smiling.

Jeff smiles and hugs him.

Jeff: get some rest. You need it.

Barcode nods and lays back down. He falls asleep. Jeff kisses his forehead and covers him up with an extra blanket. He sits back down and holds barcode's hand.

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