earthmix , mix gets lost in the woods and almost gets kidnapped

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Do_diba I hope you like it 😊

Earth and mix played in the series tale of a thousand stars

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Earth and mix played in the series tale of a thousand stars. They was the lead couple. They was best friends before the series. The series took place in the woods. They was really close to each other. Earth and mix was in the car driving to the filming area in the woods. ( Earth was driving). Earth parked the car and walked up to the rest of the cast and staff. Everyone was already there. They haven't really seen all of the woods , they just film in that one couple of spots and that's it. Their filming the 5th episode. They started filming the first scene.

Time skip...

It was now night. They was filming a night scene. After that scene , earth had a separate scene. Earth started filming it. Mix got a little bit bored and just started walking through the woods alone. He turned his flashlight on , on his phone. He was looking at the stars and feeling the fresh air , that he forgot how far he's wondered off. He looked around but it was just all trees. He started getting scared. He tried calling earth but there was no signal where he walked off to. He walked farther trying to find earth and the others. He then seen a cabin and knocks on the door hoping to get some directions. A guy opened the door. He was tall , had a shaggy looking beard and angyr looking.

Guy: can I help you. His voice was deep and scary.

Mix: h-hi , I got lost and was hoping for some directions.

Guy: come in.

Mix: oh , that's ok , I was just hoping for some directions. I need to hurry and get back.

Guy: why don't you come in and get warm first , you look cold.

Mix felt really weird about this. Like his gut is telling him not to , so he decided to be smart and trust his gut.

Mix: that's ok , thank you though. I'll find my way back. Bye.

Mix quickly walked away. He could feel the guy watching him from behind.

Earth had just got done with his scene. He didn't see mix anywhere. He asked the staff but they said they hadn't seen him in almost 30 minutes. Earth started to panic and worry about mix. He went into the woods and started yelling for mix.

Earth: mix! Mix are you out there! Earth says holding his flashlight up.

Earth: mix! Mix where are you!

Mix was walking trying to find his way back , he felt like someone was watching him. he then heard a stick broke behind him. He then started running and he heard someone running behind him. He didn't look back , he just kept running untill he couldn't run anymore. He fell on the ground out of breathe. He then seen that same guy running toward him with a knife. He managed to get huself up and run. The guy was catching up with him. The guy caught up to him and skinned him to the ground while holding the knife up to his throat.

Mex: let me go! Help! Help!

Earth heard mix screaming and ran towards his screams. He ran faster than ever. He seen the guys on top of mix with the knife to his throat. He quickly took a thick sick and hit the guy on the back making him fall onto the ground. Earth quick took mix's arm and ran with him. The guy got back up and started running after both of them. They was like 5 minutes away from where everybody else was. They gug grabbed earth from the back and threw him  on the ground. He was getting ready to stab him , but before he could mix picked up a rock and smashed him with it. It knocked him out and mix threw the rock back down. He took Earth's hand and quickly ran back to the original place. Everybody was relieved when they saw them. They told them what happened and the cops came and arrested the guy. Earth and mix went back to Earth's house for tonight. They was both still shaken up. They was laying in earth's bed. Mix was laying on Earth's chest and earth was stroking earths hair.

Earth: get some sleep ok?

Mix: ok , you sleep to.

Earth smiles and kisses mix forehead. They both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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