bounprem , prem breaks his leg 🦴

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JazzyluvesJohnnysuh I hope you like it 😊

Prem is staying over at bouns house tonight because their going to be a storm tonight

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Prem is staying over at bouns house tonight because their going to be a storm tonight. Prem is already at bouns house. He packed some pajamas and a few other things that he'll need. Boun is orderinf post mates for them and prem is showering. prem got out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist and walks into the bedroom. He gets changed and dries his hair. He then walks out into the kitchen and sees boun. Boun had just got off of the phone with post mates.

Boun: they said it will take about 20 minutes.

Prem: alright.

Boun: do you wanna watch a movie since we're gonna be waiting a while?

Prem: yeah , but I'm picking the movie. Prem says smiling.

Boun: ok fine , just don't pick a old movie.

Prem: fine fine , I'll pick one we both like.

Boun: good , because then old time movies are weird.

Prem: says the one who watches vampire shows.

Boun: well at least their not back in the day.

Prem: yeah but vampires are like a 100 years old so that's old.

Boun: yes but that's different.

Prem: mmm not really.

Boun: ok ok fine just pick a movie then.

Prem: alright , how about a scary movie then?

Boun: works for me.

Prem smiles and turns on "the grunge".

Boun: is this like really scary?

Prem: I don't know , I've never watched it before. I'm sure it is I mean it is a scary movie.

Boun: yes but , what if it's real , and like the ghost kills us at night.

Prem: boun , it's a movie , it's not real.

Prem: and i thought I was going to be the scared one. Prem says laughing.

Boun: it's not my fault , you picked a really scary movie.

Prem: I picked this one because you said "works for me".

Boun: I know , but I didn't think it would be this scary.


Boun hides behind prem

Boun: what if it's the ghost!

Prem: it's the post mates your ordered. Prem says pausing the movie and getting up. He went to the door and opened it. He paid the post mates guy and took the food. He walked back into the living room and set the food down. He unpaused the movie and they started eating their food.

A little bit later...

They are still watching the movie. It is storming really bad outside. The power goes out.


prem: calm down , the storm just knocked the power out , I'll go fix it.

Boun: wait , don't leave me here alone!

Prem: then come on scaredy cat.

Boun gets hides behind orem and holding his arm while walking. They go to the basement door.

Boun: ok , I'll right stay here , yell if you need help.

Prem: uh uh , I will. ( Uh means fine , well that's what it sounds like when people say fine in Thai. ).

Prem starts walking down to the basement. He accidentally misses a step and falls down the rest of the stairs and lands on his leg.

Boun: prem! What happened! Are you dead!

Boun: hold on I'm coming!

Boun runs down the stairs and sees prem on the floor holding his leg crying in pain. Boun quickly rushes beside him.

Boun: prem! Are you ok! What happened!

Prem: i-i-f-fell , i-i c-can't m-mov-move m-my l-leg. Prem says crying.

Boun: we need to get you to a hospital. Boun picks prem up bridle style and carries him to the car.

Prem: a-are we going to be able to drive in this storm?

Boun: we'll be fine , don't worry.

Boun then drives off and quickly drives to the hospital. He carries prem in. No one's really there so the doctor takes them straight back into a room.they took an x-ray of his leg and said he broke it. They put a cast up to his right and cave him crunches.

The next morning...

Boun and prem are in the bedroom. Boun is asleep and prem is awake hungry. He doesn't want to wake boun up so he figures he'll try to go to the kitchen by himself. His crunches are too far away so he has to hobble to the kitchen. He holds on to the wall and hops into the kitchen. He makes it to the kitchen and holds on to the kitchen counter. He went to hop to the fridge , he lost balance and fell on to the floor.


Boun got woken by a thump sound. He didn't see prem beside him and he got even more worried. He quickly got up and went to the front living room. ( The kitchen and front living room are I guess I'm the same room ).

He looked over into the kitchen and saw prem on the floor crying. He quickly rushed over to him.

Boun: prem what happened?!

Prem: I- wa-was t-trying t-to m-make f-food and I fell.

Prem: where's your crunches? Prem points to the bedroom. Boun goes and gets his crunches and brings them back. He helps prem up and sits him on the couch.

Boun: what do you want to eat , I'll make it?

Prem: ramen.

Boun: ok , give me a few minutes.

Prem: thanks boun. Prem says smiling. Boun kisses his forehead and smiles. ( Thier not dating in this one , I'll write if their dating or not  for all the couples ).

Boun: of course. Boun says smiling and walking over to the kitchen. Boun goes over and makes two bowls of ramen and comes back over. He sits them on the coffee table and sits next to prem. They eat and watch TV together. Boun takes care of prem the whole time his leg is borken.

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