phayurain , rain is sick and phayu gets mad at rain

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chloesyd I hope you like it 😊

chloesyd I hope you like it 😊

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7:30 am...

Rain woke up from his alarm going off. He held his head in pain , he had a major headache , his nose was all runny , eveyrhing was aching and his stomach hurt. He had a project to do with sky today so he couldn't niss uni. He managed to get out of bed and get dressed. He headed downstairs , and went into the kitchen. He made a peice of toast and got some water. He set down at the counter and started eating it. Phayu had already left for work so he wasn't home. Rain finished his toast and left for uni.


Rain walked into his first class and set down. He out his head down and stayed like that untill the end of the class. After his first class he headed to his second class. He walked in and set beside sky. Sky noticed rain not looking good.

Sky: rain.

Rain: yes? Rain says in a raspy voice.

Sky: are you ok? You don't look so good.

Rain: I'm ok sky , just tired. Rain then puts his head back down on the desk. Sky was still worried though.

Half way through the class , rains stomach started to get upset. He felt like throwing up. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He went into a stall and bent over the toilet , he puked all his toast up he had this morning.

Rain: *cough*cough* rain started gagging cashing him to throw up again. After he quit throwing up , he flushes the toilet and went to the sink , he put his mouth under the water faucet and cleaned his mouth out. He then left the bathroom.


Rain had just got home from uni. He still felt like total crap. He went into the kitchen to get some water. He got a cup and out water in it , when he was walking upstairs he accidentally spilled it on the new rug. Phayu then came downstairs and seen what happened.

Phayu: rain you spilled it all over the new rug. Phayu says irritated.

Rain: I'm sorry , I djdnt mean to spill i-rain gets cut off.

Phayu: why can you be more careful. Now the floor and the rug is a mess.

Rain: I'm sorry p'phayu , I'll clean it.

Phayu: just don't , I don't want a bigger mess , I'll just clean it.

Rain pit his head down and walked upstairs as tears formed in his eyes. He laid on the bed hugging a pillow while crying. Rains stomach was still upset , he just wanted to feel better.


Phayu felt bad for getting angry at rain. After he cleaned the water and rug up , he went upstairs to apologize to him. He walked upstairs and into the bedroom , rain wasn't in bed though , he heard coughing sounds and the toilet being flushed. He walked into the bathroom and sees rain bent down on the floor flushing the toilet.

Phayu: rain what's wrong? Did you get sick? Rain slowly nods his head. Phayu bent down to him and rubbed his back.

Phayu: I'm really sorry I got upset at you earlier.

Rain: it's fine.

Phayu: I know but I shouldn't have got mad at you , it was just a stupid rug. Your more important. Rain smiles a little and puts his head on phayu's shoulder. Phayu continues rubbing his back.

Phayu: are you ok?

Rain: yeah.

Phayu: is your stomach still upset?

Rain: just a little.

Phayu: you should lay down , you need rest.

Rain nods and phayu helps him up off of the floor. Rain lays in the bed and phayu covers him up. Phayu leaves the bedroom and brings Medicine back a few minutes later. Rain takes the medicine, phayu then lays down beside him. Rain has his head in phayu's chest and phayu is rubbing rains stomach. Rain falls asleep like that , phayu kisses his head and continues rubbing his belly.


I can't take no more requests , this book only allows 200 chapters and I have 15 or 14 request in my drafts so after I release them the book ends.

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