zeenunew , zee protects nunew from stalkers/bully's

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KeminaToplica I hope you like it 😊

Zee and nunew are going to Korea/Japan for a whole month

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Zee and nunew are going to Korea/Japan for a whole month. They have a flight tomorrow. They both are already packed. Natjames , tutoryim , and P'Aof are also going. Nunew is sleeping over at zees house tonight. Zee is showering and nunew is scrolling through his phone. Ding! Someone dm's him in Instagram. He opens it and sees the massage.

Catlover: you suck at acting , just quit already.

Catlover: you and zee are horrible together.

Catlover: your better off in a dumpster.

Nunew looks up and sees zee looking over at the phone. He shuts it off. Zee puts his shirt on and sits beside nunew holding his hand.

Zee: nu , don't ever listen to any of that nonsense please.

A few tears fall from nunews eyes. Zee pulls him into a hug.

Zee: your perfect the way you are. Your great at everything you do.

Nunew: thank you hia. Zee pulls away from the guy and wipes nunews tears away. He then kisses his forehead.

Zee: get some rest na , we have a early flight tomorrow. ( Na means please ).

Nunew nods and lays down beside zee. They are facing each other.

Zee: goodnight nu.

Nunew: goodnight hia.

They smile at each other and fall asleep.

6:30 am......

Zee and nunew are in the car driving to the airport. Nunew is asleep and zee is driving. nunews phone keeps getting notifications from Instagram. Zee sees whis texting him so much. He sees the same person sending hate towards nunew. He deletes the messages that they sent him and blocked them. He then sets nunews phone back down.

7:00 am...

They arrive at the airport. There are thousands of fans screaming and surrounding the airport. There are bodyguards extorting them. Zee has his arm around nunews waist so he won't get pulled into the crowd or anyone won't touch him. As they are walking someone throws a empty water bottle at nunew , zee quickly moves nunew out of the way before it can hit him. When they get away from all of the fans they set down and wait for their flight. Zee makes sure nunew is ok.

Zee: nu , are you alright?

Nunew: I'm ok hia.

Zee nods and hold his hand. Their flight is soon called and they board onto it. Nunew and zee sit beside each other. Another person is at the end of nunew sitting. They keep giving nunew disgusted looks. About an hour into the flight nunew has to use the bathroom. He gets up and goes into the bathroom. The same person leaves at the same time. Nunew goes to leave the bathroom but it won't open. The person out a pad lock on it. Zee sees the person coming back but nunew. He starts getting w bad feeling. Zee gets you and goes to check on nunew. He hears nunew screaming in the bathroom trying to get out. Zee notices the lock on the door.

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