seanwhite , white was stabbed 🔪 🩸

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bajifuyucanon1 I hope you like it 😊

Black , Sean , yok , gram and grumpa was at the garage while white was at uni

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Black , Sean , yok , gram and grumpa was at the garage while white was at uni. White stayed over Kate at uni to finish a project. He was getting ready to leave uni right now. It's about 7:30 pm , it's dark and cold out. Grumpa  was fixing white's motorbike so white has to walk to the garage. He didn't want to bother Sean for a ride so he figured he'd just walk for today. White was walking on the side walk. The street lights flickerd and no one was around. He stopped for a minute to tie his shoe. He bent down and tied it , when he stands up he sees 3 guys standing at the end of the side walk. He decies to just walk the other way , but when he turns the other way there's 2 more guys at that end of the side walk.

They started walking toward him fast , white then started running in the road. He ran skk the way to a garage parking lot. He starts running fast but they caught up to him. They kicked him in to the ground and started beating him up.


Black's heart started beating fast and he begin to feel out if breathe , like he was running but he was sitting on the couch. He held his chest and tried catching his breathe. The other gang members noticed black.

Sean: black , what's wrong?

Black's nose them started bleeding and his lip.

Black: w-white , something's wrong. He says holding his chest.

Yok: where is he?

Sean: he was at uni last , he texted me and said he was on his way back about 10 minutes ago.

Gumpa: try calling him.

Sean tried calling him he didn't answer.

Sean: we have to go look for him!

They all get in their motorbikes and quickly drive off.

White tried fighting back but they had a knife.  White was cornered. They grabbed a hold of him and dragged him to a van and knocked him out


Sean tracked whites location on his phone. They all drobe to that location. They parked their motorbikes. They arrive at a abandon factory. They go through a broken window to enter the building. The buildikg is huge in side. There's broken stuff everywhere , and it's cold and dark inside. They all turn their flashlights on.


White starts waking up. He looks up and sees 3 guys standing infront of him. They have black mask and black hats on and tuxedo suits.

White: let me go! What do you want!?

Guy: next time , tell your dad to pay us back the money he owes us. Then we wouldn't have to harm his precious son.

White: I have nothing to do with my dad now let me go!

Guy: we're not done with you yet. He says laughing.

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