payurain , rain is sick

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Kocisek I hope you like it 😊

Kocisek I hope you like it 😊

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ayu had been busy with his work all week and rain has been busy with his university work this week.

Rain was in class. He was doing his project with sky.

Rain: *cough *cough*.

Rain coughed a few more times and his nose kept running.

Sky: rain , are you ok?

Rain: I'm fine sky.

Sky: are you sure? We can finish the protect tomorrow if you want , you don't look good.

Rain: I'm ok , let's just get it done.

Sky nods still worried. They finish working on their project. Class ends and rain goes home and lays down on his bed.

He ends up falling asleep. Payu calls him but he didn't answer because he's fast asleep.

Payu grabs his jacket and gets in his motorcycle. He drives to rains house worried about him. He park his motorcycle and knocks in rains door.

Rains mom is out of town right now so rain is home alone. He's not answering the door. Payu then gets his spare key that rain gave to him and unlocks the door.

He walks in and walks up to his room. He walks inside and sees rain sleeping. He's sweating and breathing heavy.

Payu rushes over to him and eels his head. Rain has a fever. Payu gets a wet wash rag. He then whore rains arms and stomach to reduce the fever. He then puts the wash rag in rains forehead.

Payu sits on the bed beside rain. He strokes rains hair and rest his head back against the bed.

7:30 pm...

Rain wakes up and has an upset stomach. It's tossing and turning. A wave of nausea hits his stomach. He quickly covered his mouth and runs into the bathroom. He gets into his knees bending over the toilet vomiting.

Payu wakes up and seen rain running into the bathroom. He quickly got up and went into the bathroom to check on rain.

He seen rain throwing up. He quickly rushed over to him and rubbed his back.

Rain: *cough * cough* rain spits up muses.

Payu: I'll get you some water.

Payu quickly got rain some water. He gave rain the water.

Rain drank the water slowly.

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