kinnporsche , Porsche overdose on sleeping pills 💊

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Myantzaw011 I hope you like it 😊

Myantzaw011 I hope you like it 😊

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inn and Porsche has a important meeting tomorrow so they wanted to get a good night sleep. Porsche couldn't sleep at all though. Kinn was already asleep. Porsche got up and went to the kitchen. He got a glass of water and gulled it down. he then went back into the room and laid down. He laid there for at least 20 minutes. He still couldn't fall asleep. He then went to the bathroom and got into the cabinet and got some sleeping pills. He took about 6 of them thinking it wouldn't to nothing but help him sleep. He laid down on the bed.


10 minutes later...

Kinn woke up out of nowhere and looked over at Porsche. He was foaming out of the mouth and unconscious. Kinn freaked out when he saw this.

Kinn: ai Porsche! Porsche! Kinn quickly picked porsche up and ran down the stairs. He quickly went to the car , put Porsche in and drove off fast. He speeded to the hospital. After he got to the hospital , he rushed Porsche in and the doctors immediately rushed Porsche back into doors. Kinn called tankhun and the others to let them no what's going on. They all rushed to the hospital. Tankhun , arm , pol , chay , Kim , Vegas , Pete and Macau all came to the hospital.

Tankhun: what's happening to Porsche!

Chay: where's p'porsche?!

Kinn: thay haven't told me anything yet. I woke up he was foaming out of the mouth. I rushed him here , and I'm worried and scared and I don't know what's happening. Kinn says running his hands through his hair frustrated and worried.

Tankhun: I'll ask that doctor!

Kinn: Khun , she's not gonna kno-khun ignored kinn and walks to a doctor.

Khun: you , I wanna now what's going on with Porsche!

Doctor: um , one sec , I need to take care of a patient and I'll get back to you in a moment. She says and then walks away.

Khun rolled his eyes and walks back to the others.

Kinn: well?

Khun: she was no help. Kinn sighs and continues worrying.

A few minutes later a doctor comes up to them.

Doctor:, hello , which one of you is here for Porsche?

Kinn: u m-khun cuts him off.

Khun: all of us! What's going on with Porsche!?

Doctor: uh it seems he i overdoses on sleeping pills , but luckily he's doing to be ok. He's awake and you can see hi-kinn and the others rushed past her not letting her finish.

They went into Porsche room and he was sitting up awake. Kinn rushed to Porsche and hugged him.

Khun: Porsche! Why would you try to kill yourself! Khun says crying dramatically.

Porsche: I  did-porsche gets cut off.

Kinn: did I do something wrong? Did something happen? Talk to me.

Pete: Porsche , talk to us.

Porsche: I'm trying! First I didn't try to kill myself. I took the pills because I couldn't sleep , I didn't know 6 could do that.

Khun: oii! You idiot , how could you not know 6 could overdose you!

Porsche: I don't know , I never payed attention to the label or whatever it tells you on.

A doctor then comes in and Khun makes heart eyes at him.

Khun: well hi there , what's your name?

Doctor: um i'm doctor henry. I just need to do a quick check up on Porsche. He says smiling at Khun. Khun smiles back.

Henry: Porsche do you mind telling me when these suicidal thoughts started?

Porsche: I didn't try to kill myself! I didn't  how many to take.

Henry: oh , I'm sorry I didn't know. My mistake , it's just usually people who overdose have those kind of thoughts.

Henry: I'll leave you guys then , you'll be released probably tomorrow morning. He smiles and walks away. Khun grand a hold of his arm and walks out of the room with him while talking all flirty with him. They all laugh at Khun.

Porsche: think he'll get a date with him?

Kinn: if his type is crazy then yes. They all laugh harder.

Kinn: I'm glad your ok. Kinn kisses Porsche.

Vagas: get a room.

Kinn: shut it!

Chay: p'porsche , are you sure your ok?

Porsche smiles and pulls chay closer.

porsche: I promise I'm ok chay. Chay smiles and hugs Porsche.

Vegas and Pete then give each other a peck on the lips and Kim wraps his arm around chays waist.

Macau: man I can't take this room anymore , too much couple. Blah. Macau makes a disgusted face and sits on the chair pouting about being single. ( Sorry Macau 😂 ).

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