zeenunew , nunew falls on stage at his concert

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JaniceFong1 thanks for the request , I hope you like it 😊.

JaniceFong1 thanks for the request , I hope you like it 😊

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Nunew's 21st birthday is coming up. He's having a birthday concert the day before his actual birthday. He's really exited about the concert. Zee is so proud of nunew. He is with nunew practicing at the concert place.

Zee and nunew are doing a dance together at the concert. Nunew is so exited to dance with zee at the concert.

Zee spins nunew around and catches him in his arms. Zee then lifted nunew up out of his arms. They both smiled at each other and hugged.

P'Aof: alright that's enough practicing for today , save your energy for tomorrow. ( Tomorrow is the concert ).

They both nod and walk off of the stage to get some water.

Zee: are you nervous for tomorrow?

Nunew: krub , I'm exited and nervous. (Krub means yes ).

Zee: don't worry , you'll be great up on stage , and I'll be right backstage watching you shine.

Nunew: thank you hia. Nunew says smiling. Zee smiles and patts nunews head.

Zee: are you staying at my house tonight?

Nunew: if it's ok with you.

Zee: i don't mind if you stay over , let's go then.

Zee takes nunews hand and leads him to the car. Zee starts the car and drives away. They soon arrive at zee's house. Nunew and zee walk into tje house.

Zee: I'll make us some dinner.

Nunew: alright , I'm going to shower real quick.

Zee nods and smiles and nunew walks into the bedroom. He hops into the shower. After he showers he heads out into the kitchen. There's ramen noodles on the table.

He sits down at the table and zee walks over and also sits down.

Nunew: thank you hia , it's really good.

Zee: your welcome my nu. Zee says smiling. Nunew smiles back and slurps his noodles.

After they finish eating they head to bed. They both lay on the bed. Zee has his arms wrapped around nunew and nunew has his chest Barried into zee's chest.

The next day....

Zee and nunew are at the concert place practicing for tonight's concert. Nunew is really nervous but exited at the same time. Zee can tell nunew is nervous and walks over to him.

Zee: don't worry you'll be great , trust me you got this nu.

Nunew: thanks hia. Nunew says smiling. Zee smiles and hugs him. Nunew loves when he's close to zee , he feels safe.

There's about an hour left untill the concert starts. Nunew is already dressed in his first outfit.

Nunew is practicing his dance. Zee is watching him with a big smile on his face.

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