zeenunew , nunew got into a car accident

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Kaisahsparkle I hope you like it 😊

Zee had just got home and was exhausted

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Zee had just got home and was exhausted. He went into the bedroom and lays on the bed. He got on his phone and started scrolling through it. Nunew wasn't home yet. Zee and nunew started dating a few months ago. Zees new friend texted him. He opened the text massage and immediately sit up. It was a picture of nunew kissing someone at the club.

Zee's face turned jealousy/anger , he couldn't believe nunew , his hear aches just looking at the photo. Tears filled his eyes. The door then opened and zee got up and exited the bedroom he slammed the door shut and walked into the front living room. Nunew was hanging his coat up on the rack. Nunew turned and seen zee looking angry.

Nunew: hia , what's the matter?

Zee: nhu where was you?

Nunew: i was with yim and Nat why? Did something happen?

Zee lifted his phone up and showed nunew the photo with more anger.

Zee: nhu what is this!? Why would you like to me and kiss someone else!?

Nunew: hia I didn't , I didn't kiss anyone and I wasn't at the club I promise.

Zee: why are you lying to me!

Nunew: I'm not hia I swear.

Zee: I can't even believe you right now-no you know what , I trusted you nunew! I trusted you so much! Do you know how much it even hurts to see the one you love kissing a total stranger! Nunew had tears streaming down his face. H head no idea where that photo came from.

Nunew: no! You don't get to scream at me! I didn't kiss any got dam person! I only love you p'zee! And I can't believe you wouldn't believe me! Do YOU know how much it hurts when the person you love doesn't BELIEVE you!

Nunew grabs the car keys and his jacket , he then opens the front door and slams it shut. He starts the car and leaves. He's driving down the road with tears streaming down his face. He can't believe zee wouldn't believe him, he feels so hurt. He was driving while lost in his thoughts. His eyes was blurry from crying so much. He wiled his tears away , he seen a car coming but before he could swerve he crashed head on into the car.


Zee was at the counter sitting. He was drinking wine , he has tears in his eyes and couldn't think straight. He felt so sad , jealous , angry , guilt for yelling and just a bunch of emotions. He got snapped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He picked it up.

Zee: hello , who is this?

Doctor: hi this is the hospital , you was under nunews emergency contacts , he's been in a crash.

Zees heart just dropped. His whole world just crashed in one night. He quickly grabbed his jacket and ran out the door. He speeded to the hospital. He rushed inside and ran to the front desk.

Lady: hi , how can I help you sir?

Zee: um nunew , nunew chawarin , is he ok? He was in a car crash. I got the call about 10 minutes ago. Zee says out of breathe and almost in tears.

Lady: oh nunew ok , one second. She starts typing in the computer.

Lady: he is currently not awake , when he crashed , his head got injured causing him to go into a coma. He's in room 12.  We're not sure when he'll wake up.

Zee: t-thank you. Zee quickly walked away and rushes to nunews room. Tears streamed down his face. He then walked into nunews room. Nunew had a oxygen mask on and white bandage on his head. Zee broke down when he saw this. He fell on his knees crying. He stands up and walks over to nunew. He held his hand and cried harder than ever. He felt so guilty , he wishes he could turn back time. He then got a message. He opened it with blurry eyes from crying. It was from someone anonymous. It was nunews photo of nunew and that boy kissing but , they sended zee the edited app and his they edited it. Zee dropped the phone and burst out in more tears.

Zee: n-nh-nhu i-i'm s-so s-so-sor-sorry. Zee says in tears.

Zee: h-hi-hia i-is s-sorry.


It's been 2 days and nunew still hasn't woken up. Zee has been by nunews side the whole two days. He's been feeling nothing but guilt and sadness and he was angry at himself and his friend. Zee was holding nunew's hand.

Zee: nhu I'm so so sorry , I know you probably hate me now. But I'm so sorry. I should have believed you , I love you the most in the world. I hate myself , and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me. I love you nhu. Zee sasy as tears run down his face.

Nunew: I don't hate you.

Zee then looked up to see nunew awake.

Zee: n-nhu , your awake.

Nunew: I woke up about 10 minutes ago. Nunew says sitting up.

Zee: why didn't you say anything?

Nunew: because I wanted to hear what you had to say. Hia , I know you love me but I just don't understand why you didn't believe me.

Zee: I know , I know ok I know I should have believed you and ik so so sorry I didn't. It's just , that photo , it , it looked so real. Turns out it was edited. I'm so sorry nhu , I really am. Nunew smiles and hugs zee.

Nunew: I know your sorry hia , I know. I forgive you , and I could never ever hate you no matter what. I love you more than anything too.

Zee: thank you nhu , thank you so much for forgiving your his , and thank you for being in my life.

Nunew: thank you for being in my life also hia.

Zee smiles and kisses nunew on the lips. Zee depends the kiss. Nunew pulls away to catch his breathe.

Nunew: I love you so much.

Zee: I love you more.

Nunew: i don't think that's possible. They both smile and then go in for another kiss.

 They both smile and then go in for another kiss

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