bossnoeul , noeul has nosebleeds because of stress

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Boss and noeul have been filming all week. They've been working really hard. They have a few interviews and events this week also. They love meet all of the fans.

They've both been a little stressed because of this but they don't complain because they're happy to get these opportunities.

They have an event today. Boss is picking noeul up. Noeul just got out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist.

Ding! Text massage.

Boss: hey , I'm almost here.

Noeul: alright , I'm getting dressed now. See you in a few.

Boss: see you.

Noeul got into his outfit and dries his hair. He put his shoes on and walked out the door to wait on boss.

A few minutes later Boss pulled up. Noeul walked to the car and got in. Boss then pulled out and drove away.

Boss notices that noeul looks more tired today than usual.

Boss: you ok?

Noeul: krub. ( Krub means yes ).

Boss nods and continues focusing on the road. They soon arrive at the event and park the car. They get out and start walking in. All the fans scream and hold sighs up. They wave and smile to the fans.

They walk into the event place and go backstage. It's not just them there. There are also other actors there to. They say hello to the other actors and directors and staff and everyone there.

Noeul and boss was talking to another actor named gun. Noeul felt something go down his nose. Boss looked over and seen blood going down noeul's nose.

Noeul quickly held his head back while holding his nose shut. He quickly went into the bathroom.

Boss said bye to gun and went into the bathroom to check on noeul. Blood was dripping all over noeul's hand. Boss quickly got a paper towel and handed it to noeul.

Noeul put the paper towel up his nose. Boss was worried because noeul never really has nosebleeds.

Boss: did it stop bleeding yet?

Noeul: almost.

After a few minutes it quit bleeding. Noeul wipes the blood off of his hands and they walked out of the bathroom.

All the actors including them went out to the fans. The fans was talking to them and they was answering questions.

Boss was talking to a fan and noeul was standing and just waving at the fans.

Noeul felt something dripping down his nose again. He touched it and saw blood on his finger. He quickly held his head back while holding his nose again. He walked into the bathroom. Boss saw noeul walk into the bathroom and quickly went to check on him.

Noeul was leaning over the sink while blood was just dripping out of his nose into the sink.

Boss quickly walked over to him.

Boss: are you alright?

Noeul: i-im fine. Noeul got a little light headed.

Boss was still worried about noeul. Noeul's nose finally quit bleeding.

Boss: is it still bleeding?

Noeul: no , it quit.

Boss: are you sure your ok?

Noeul nods and throws the bloody paper towel away. They then walk back out into the event. Boss keeps an eye on noeul the rest of the event. He didn't leave his side at all.

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