zeenunew , Zee's Friend assaults nunew

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MaahiMaurya good idea , I hope you like it 😊

Zee and nunew Had been filmingand doing interviews this whole week

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Zee and nunew Had been filming
and doing interviews this whole week. They finally got a break. They had 3 days off.

Zee has been telling nunew about how he was gonna meet up with his highschool friends this week. Nunew is also going to meet them. he's exited to meet zee's old friends.

They are meeting at a restaurant today. It's about 7:39 pm. Nunew is getting ready. Zee is picking him up.

Nunew put his sweatshirt on and his shoes and then he went outside to wait on zee.

A few minutes later zee pulls up and nunew walked over to the car and gets in. He buckles up and zee drives off.

Zee was telling nunew about all of his old friends in the way there. There was , Andrew , Alex , Tiffany , and Jarrod.

Nunew was exited to meet them all. They arrived at the restaurant. They walked in and they was already at a table waiting. Zee took nunews hand and walked over with him.

There was a place to sit beside Jarrod and a place by Alex. So nunew had to sit beside Jarrod and zee has to sit beside Alex.

Zee: this is nunew , nunew this is Jarrod , Alex , Tiffany and Andrew.

Nunew: hello , it's nice to meet you guys.

Jarrod: he's cute , where'd you find him. Jarrod says laughing , they all laugh with him.

They ordered their food and waited for it. They talked about memories and stuff untill their food came.

Zee was talking. Nunew felt Jarrod's hand on his thigh. Nunew felt uncomfortable.

He tried moving over a but Jarrod just scooted closer to him. The whole time Jarrod kept touching nunew.

After the dinner nunew and zee got into the car and drive off.

Nunew: zee , your friend Jarrod he-nunew got cut off.

Zee: he's nice right.

Nunew: no actually , h-he kept touching me.

Zee: what do you mean?

Nunew: he kept touching my thigh and he even touched by butt at one point.

Zee: he was probably just playing around , he's like that sometimes , trust me , once you get to know him you'll really like him.

Nunew just nods and looks out the window. They soon arrived at zee's house. Nunew was staying the night.

They walked into the house and got into their pajamas. They was both sitting on the bed in their phones.

Ring ring ring! Zee answered his phone.

Zee: hello.

Alex: hey man , we're all gonna go to the bar tomorrow , wanna come with us?

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