jeffbarcode , barcodes dad beats him

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user310436768666 I hope you like it 😊

user310436768666 I hope you like it 😊

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Barcode was walking home from school. He was terrified to even go home , he didn't want to gave his dad. Barcode's dad always beat him , if he got a bad grade or if his dad was just angry he would take it out on barcode. He was afraid to tell the others or anyone , he was afraid his dad would beat him to death. He always wore long sleeves or sweatshirts to hide his bruises. He got a bad grade on his test today and he was terrified to face his dad. His mom and sister was out on a trip so they could get away from his dad. He never hit them only because their girls , he hits barcode because he's a boy and his dad said boys can take the hits. Barcode walks through the door trying to avoid his dad. But his dad came up to him with a beer in his hand.

B dad: let me see your test.

Barcode shakely gave him the paper. His dad through the beer across the room making glass go everywhere. Barcode flinched when he through it. His dad ripped the paper up and through it on the ground. His dad seemed angrier then usual today. Barcode was shaking out of fear.

Barcode: d-dad please , i-im sorry , I'll get a better grade next time I promise.

Dad: sorry isn't going to save your ass!! You never learn! Your always saying sorry , sorry my ass!! His dad slapped him across the face leaving a red mark on barcodes face. Tears streamed fine barcodes face. His dad then pulled his belt out , he swung it at barcode 3 times , barcode screamed and cried and pleaded for him to stop but he didn't. His dad hit and kicked him multiple times.

Dad: next time , you'll get worser. His dad says pointing his finger at barcode , barcode is in a corner on the floor. His dad walks away and goes and gets another beer. Barcode runs up stars crying , he shuts his door and locks it. He cries into his pillow. His mom and sister is almost never home because of his dad , he wishes his dad would just leave so they could come home. Bruises starts forming on barcodes arms and back. He has a bloody lip. He cleans his lip but you could still see the cut on it. He falls asleep crying.

The next day...

Barcode gets dressed for school and grabs his backpack , he quietly leaves the house trying not to wake his dad up. He starts to walk to school. He's happy he don't have to go home after school today. Jeff is picking him up and they are going to get food. He gets to school and walks into class. He has his head done all day.  He doesn't really have any friends at school , just the ones who wants to be friends because he's famous. He hates school much as home. The only place he likes going is to hang out with the others. They feel like a real family to him. He's really grateful to have them in his life , especially Jeff.

Time skip...

School is finally out. Barcode sees Jeff waiting in the parking lot and smiles. He runs to the car exited and gets in. Jeff thinks it's weird barcode always has long sleeves on even when it's hot, he doesn't really ask him why he always weras long sleeves , he just thinks he gets cold easily. Jeff drives away and starts driving to the cafe that their going to.

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