jeffbarcode , a fan poisons food and barcode eats it

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊

The kinnporsche cast receive alot of gifts when they go to fan meeting/events. The main thing the fans give them is food , money , clothes/jewelry , and other things.

They have a fan meeting today , barcode is really exited to go. He loves going to fan meetings and meeting a bunch of fans. Barcode was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He puts his shoes on and went downstairs, Jeff was in the kitchen waiting on barcode.

Jeff: ready?

Barcode: yep! Let's go!

Jeff laughs at how adorable barcode is when he's excited.

Jeff: aren't you bringing a coat? You might get cold.

Barcode: I'll be fine.

Jeff: alright.

They both walk out and get into the car. Jeff starts driving. Barcode is smiling and excited the whole entire way. He can't stop talking to Jeff about how exited he is. Jeff just listens and smiles. When they arrive , there are fans outside and inside screaming and holding signs up. Jeff and barcode wave and smile at them as they walk in. Apo , mile and Bible walk up to them. Barcode gets to hug some fans and take pictures with them. They talked to the fans and signed some auto graphs. Barcode was talking with a fan and the fan handed barcode a box with a donut inside. He said thank you and took it.

After the event barcode and the other way backstage. Barcode was sitting at a table getting ready to eat the donut that the fan gave him. Apo walked up from behind him.

Apo where'd you get that?

Barcode: a fan gave it to me.

Apo: I don't think it's a good idea to eat it , it don't really look good.

Mile: hey apo , come here! Mile says yelling from across the room.

Apo: I'll be right back.

Barcode: alright.

Apo walks away over to mile. Barcode thinks the donut looks fine and eats it anyways. After a little while the cast are packing up and getting ready to leave. Barcode stomach hurts a little bit. He just shrugs it off though. Jeff is riding Barcode home. Their in the car right now driving.

Barcode he curled up holding his stomach. Jeff doesn't want barcode to be alone tonight since he doesn't feel good. Jeff told barcode he would just stay with him tonight , barcodes parents are out of town.

Jeff: were almost there.

Barcode is shivering and running a fever. Jeff gives his coat to barcode to wear. When they arrived at barcode's house , Jeff helps him into the house. Jeff turns the heat up and makes soup for barcode , while barcode lays on the couch cuddled up with jeffs jacket. Jeff brings the soup over and sits on the couch with barcode. Barcode sits up and slowly eats the soup. When he's finishes Jeff puts the bowl in the sink and brunt's some medicine over to barcode. Barcode swallows it and last back down. Jeff puts barcode's head on his lap and strokes his hair. They both fell asleep.

12:45 pm...

Barcode woke up , he felt really nauseous. He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. Jeff woke up and seen barcode running to the bathroom. He quickly got up and went to check on him. Barcode was hovered over the toilet vomiting. Jeff rubbed his back.

Barcode was pale as a ghost and sweating with tears rolling down his face. He was shaking.

* Barcode throwing up again *

Jeff continued running his back and holding a piece his hair back.

Jeff: hold on I'll get you some water. Jeff quickly want until the kitchen and got barcode some water. He brought it back and gave it to him. Barcode took a few drinks but just threw it back up moments later.

Jeff felt Gus forehead and he was burning up.

Jeff: we're going to the hospital.

Jeff grabbed the car keys and went back to get barcode. He wrapped barcode's arm around his shoulder and helped him into the car. He started the car and then quickly drive away.

They are driving to the hospital now. Barcode is breathing heavy and is barely conscious. He's sweating and cold at the same time. Jeff took a bag just in case.

Their about 10 minutes away from the hospital. Barcode grabs the bag and vomits in it. Jeff is really worried about barcode.

They arrive at the hospital. Jeff wraps barcode's arm around his shoulder and walks into the hospital.

Jeff: I need a doctor!

A doctor runs up and puts barcode in a hospital bed and rolls him into doors. Jeff is signing barcode into the hospital. After he signs him in he waits in the waiting room. He's so scared for barcode. He has idea what's happening or why he suddenly got sick. He waits there for what feels like forever , untill a doctor finally comes up to him , he quickly stands up.

Jeff: how is he?

Doctor: can I ask something?

Jeff: what? Jeff says confused.

Doctor: what's the last thing he has to eat?

Jeff: um , I think he might have had a donut earlier why?

Doctor: where'd he gets it from?

Jeff: somebody gave it to him , what's going on?

Doctor: it showed that there was rat poison in his system. Your lucky you brought him when you did or he could have died a few hours later.

Jeff is in shock about what the doctor just said.

Jeff: is he ok now?

Doctor: yes , he's sleeping right now , he should be good to go home tomorrow afternoon.

Jeff: thank you. Can I see him now?

Doctor: yes , room 12.

Jeff says thank you and quickly walks back into barcodes room. he sees him sleeping , covered up with his jacket. ( Jeffs jacket ).

Jeff goes over and sits in a chair beside barcode. He can't believe someone would put rat poison in a donut and give it to barcode. He has no idea who it was but he's never going to let barcode eat anything else that a fan gives him.

Barcode begins opening his eyes. He's still half asleep though from all the medicines that they gave him. Jeff is so glad he woke up.

Jeff: barcode , are you ok?

Barcode: mhm. Barcode says my mumbling in a half asleep voice. Jeff smiles and covers him up with a blanket more. He then kisses his forehead.

Jeff: get some sleep. Jeff says in a whisper tone. He then sits back down and watches as barcode drifts off to sleep again.

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