jeffbarcode , barcode has a allergic reaction

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The kinnporsche cast have an event to tonight. Barcode is really exited to go because there will be other actors there and he's exited to meet more actors. Jeff is driving him to the event since barcodes parents are out of town for work.

Barcode showered and got dressed into his outfit for the event. He puts his shoes on and set down in his bed waiting for Jeff. He is playing some games on his phone. A text message came through barcodes phone interrupting his game. 

Jeff: I'm outside.

Barcode: kk , coming.

Barcode walks outside and gets u to the car. Jeff hands barcode a Starbucks bag.

Jeff: I got you a cake pop.

Barcode: thank you p'jeff. Barcode says smiling.

Jeff: you welcome , plus you gotta eat something. Jeff says smiling back.

Barcode smiles and takes a bite of his cake pop. Jeff pulls out and starts driving to the event. Barcode eats his cake pop on the way. When they got to the event , fans was screaming and holding signs up. They waved and smiled at the fans. They then walked interview the event and saw the rest of the cast. Barcode seen a few other actors he hasn't met before. Barcode seen boun , prem , fluke , ohm , nanon , ohm. ( There 2 different ohm).

Barcode was so exited. He also seen coolheart , Santa , isbanky , mos , bright , win. Jeff put his arm around barcode so he wouldn't get swept into the crowd. Barcode was standing by side the others. A few of the other actors was being called you for a award. There was a food stand where barcode and the others were standing. Barcode picked up a cupcake and ate a few bites. He noticed it had peanuts in it. He was really allergic to peanuts. He was gonna tell the other but they was called up on stage for a award. They went up in stage and a few of them started giving a speech. Barcodes fave started ti swell up. Gus throat started closing up and he couldn't breathe. He fell to the floor gasping for air. The fans started screaming worried and scared for barcode.

Jeff: barcode! I think having a allergic reaction to something!

Mile: does anybody have an epi pen!

Luckily there was a fan there who had an epi pen. They handed it to mile and he quickly handed it to Jeff. Jeff quickly stabbed barcode in the keg with it. Barcode begin breathing normally again.

Barcode: * cough * cough *.

Jeff: can you breathe?

Barcode nods his head still catching his breathe. Jeff gave barcode some water to drink. He drank a few sips of it. Jeff helped barcode off of the stage and has him sit down in a chair.

Mile: I think he should still go to the hospital.

Jeff: I'll drive.

Mile nods and they get into the car. The others stays there while they go to the hospital. They arrive at the hospital and bring barcode in. The doctor takes him back to a room. Mile and Jeff goes back with him. The doctor checks him out and gives him some medicine for the reaction. The doctor leaves to go get the release papers m

Jeff: barcode , what did you eat that you was allergic to?

Barcode: peanuts , I ate a cupcake and I didn't realize it had peanuts.

Jeff: are you ok now?

Barcode: I'm ok p'jeff , the medicine is helping.

Mile: I told apo to tell everyone else that everything's fine now.

Barcode: I'm sorry I ruined the event for you guys.

Jeff: what , you didn't ruin anything.

Mile: don't you ever say you ruined it again  , it wasn't your fault.

Barcode: thanks guys. Barcode says smiling.

The doctor then comes back with papers and they sign them and leave. They start driving.

Jeff: since we're free the rest of the night , you guys wanna get ice cream?

Barcode/mile: yes.

Mile: what flavor are you getting barcode?

Barcode: hmm , I think I'll get birthday cake.

Mile: that sounds good , I'm gonna get that to.

They all smile as laugh.

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