jeffbarcode , barcode is pregnant and Jeff doesn't know

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊

Jeff and barcode has been dating for a while now. Barcode moved in with Jeff about 2 months ago. Their family's , co-stars and fans all was very happy for them.

7:39 am...

Jeff was in the shower and barcode was making breakfast. He was making pancakes. He was stirring the mix when he smelled a whiff of it. He suddenly felt sick to his stomach smelling it. He quickly bot over the sink and threw up. He wiped his mouth off and turns the water faucet on. He put some water in his mouth and swirled it around in his mouth , he then spit it out and washed the sink out. He's been sick this whole week. He hasn't told Jeff cause he knew he would sorry and Jeff's schedule has been so busy. He's been getting interviews and events. He's got 3 interviews today.

Jeff then came out of the bathroom all ready to go. He walked up to barcode and backed huged him. He kissed his cheek and barcode smiles.

Jeff: good morning angel.

Barcode: good morning phi Jeff.

Jeff: are you ok? You look paler than usual.

Barcode: yeah , just tried still.

Jeff: alright , well make sure to get more sleep later. Jeff says pecking barcodes lips.

Barcode: I will.

Jeff: oh yeah , ta's cousin kid is having a birthday party next week. He invited us. Barcode then froze after hearing the work kid. He though of all his symptoms this last week. Vomiting in the morning , weird cravings , and other things. He was frozen and scared.

Jeff: barcode? Barcode are you ok?

Barcode: yes. Tell ya we'll be there. You should get going now. I Love you. Barcode says handjnf Jeff his jacket.

Jeff: I love you too. Why are you acting so weird?

Barcode: I'm not , I just don't want to to be Kate that's all.

Jeff kisses barcode and then left. Barcode started panicking. He was pacing back and forth and scared. He then put his jacket on and drive to the store. He brought a pregnancy test from the store. He then came back home and went into the bathroom. He took it and waited for it to give him the results. He was scared , nervous , and felt like crying but he stayed strong. He waited for about 10 minutes and then took the pregnancy test out of the box. It came back positive. Tears then steamed down his face. He was so s ared , he didn't know how to tell Jeff. He fell to the floor crying his eyes out.


That night...

Jeff has finally came home. Barcode came out of the bedroom and walked to Jeff. Jeff senmed irritated and tired. Barcode didn't know how to tell Jeff.

Barcode: p-phi j-jeff. Barcode shuttered.

Jeff: what? He says irritated.

Barcode: um , are you hungry?

Jeff: no I'm fine.

Barcode: we need to talk about something.

Jeff: barcode please not right now , I'm tired and just want to sleep.

Barcode: but-barcode got cut off.

Jeff: barcode enough! I told you not right now! Please just go to bed!

Jeff: I still have a lot of interviews tomorrow so please just don't big me right now! We can talk tomorrow for God sake. Jeff walks over to the kitchen and starts pouring a glass of water while still irritated. Barcode then suddenly felt a sharp pain on his stomach. He fell to the floor holding his stomach. Blood started coming down his legs. Jeff dropped the glass of water seeing this. He rushed over to barcode.

Jeff: barcode what's happening?!

Barcode: p-phi j-jeff i-it hurts. He says crying. Jeff quickly picks barcode up bridle style and rushes him to the hospital.


At the hospital...

Jeff and barcode is in a room waiting for a doctor to come back. Barcode is avoiding eye contact with Jeff. Jeff felt so guilty for yelling at barcode. About 10 minutes later a doctor comes back.

Doctor: ok so , the baby is perfectly fine , it's healthy and nothing to worry about. The pain and bleeding was caused do to stress.

Jeff: baby?

Barcode: phi Jeff...I'm pregnant.

Doctor: I'll um , leave you two to talk. She bows and leaves.

Jeff: I'm gonna be a dad?

Barcode: yes. Barcode says looking down at his hand while tears fall off of his face. Jeff smiled and hugged barcode. Barcode was surprised but hugged him back.

Barcode: you don't have to stay if you don't want T-barcode gets cut off.

Jeff: ift course I'm staying. We're going to raise this baby together. I'm so happy I'm gonna be a dad. Jeff says with happy tears in his eyes.

Barcode: really?

Jeff: yes.

Jeff: I'm sorry I yelled at you. I really am , it's my fault why this happened but I'm really sorry.

Barcode: it's ok phi Jeff , I understand you was just stressed out about work. Thank you for staying with me.

Jeff: I'll always be by your side no matter what. And I may have been stressed but that's now excuse to take it out on you. I'm sorry my angel and my other angel. He says gently rubbing barcodes stomach. They both smile eat each other.

Jeff: I love you barcode.

Barcode: I love you too phi Jeff. They both hug each other.

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