jeffbarcode , Jeff gets shot at but barcode jumps infront of him

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Barcodes 18th birthday was today and the others wanted to surprise him with something. Since he was turning 18 they wanted to take him to a club. Barcode has no idea where they was taking him they just told him they are bringing him somewhere for his birthday. They already asked his parents and they agreed. His parents told them not to let him drink a lot of things. Maybe just one beer only if he wants to.

Barcode was getting dressed for tonight. He was exited to see where they was taking him to. He was wearing black jeans and a black sweatshirt. He put on a necklace that Jeff gave him for his birthday. It was 8:39 pm. Barcode is curious where they are taking him this late of the night. He put his shoes on and waited outside for Jeff to pick him up. They was just going to meet everyone else at the club. A few minutes later Jeff pulled up and barcode got into the car. Jeff looked at the necklace that barcode was wearing smiled.

Jeff: do you like it?

Barcode: krub , I love it. ( Krub means yes ). Barcode says smiling and excited

Barcode: so are you gonna tell me where you guys are taking me yet?

Jeff: you'll find out when we get there. Barcode squeals exited. Jeff laughs and drive away.

They soon arrive and park the car.

Barcode: woah! Your actually taking me to a club!

Jeff: happy birthday. come on , everyone is inside waiting.

They walk in and see the others already at a table. They sit down with them.

Mile: happy birthday barcode.

Apo: so , what do you think?

Barcode: this is awesome! I've never been to a club before.

They all laugh and talk for a few minutes. About 5 minutes later the waiter comes up to to them. They all order a beer. Barcode is exited and nervous to try his first beer. The waiter brings them their drinks.

Jeff: you don't have to drink it , you do know that right?

Barcode: I know , I wanna try it.

Jeff: alright , Drink up then.

They cick their glasses together and sips their beer. Barcode takes a sip and starts coughing.

Barcode: *cough * cough * cough * cough *

Jeff: good?

Barcode: it's not that good.

Jeff hands him a water and barcode takes a few sips. They set there and talk for about half of an hour. A man walks in , he has a black coat , and a Halloween mask on.

He walks up to the bartender and he pulls a gun out. Everyone starts screaming and trying to leave. Jeff wonders what's going on and sees the man holding a gun.

Jeff quickly takes barcode hand and goes to leave. The guy points the gun at Jeff.

Guy: no one leaves!!

Mile , apo and the others are standing beside Jeff and barcode. Jeff has a phone behind his back calling 911. The guy notices and pulls the trigger. Before it could hit Jeff , barcode jumps infront of him. And guy takes the money and runs out of there. Barcode falls to the ground. Jeff holds barcodes head in his lap.

Barcode: barcode! No! Jeff says crying.

Apo is calling the ambulance. Mile took sommes coat and wrapped it around barcodes wound to keep pressure on it. Barcode groans in pain when mile outs pressure on it.

Jeff: barcode , barcode I'm so sorry. Please just stay wake. Don't close your eyes please. Jeff says crying over barcodes body.

A few minutes later the cops and ambulance show up. They quickly out barcode on a stretcher and put him in the back of the ambulance.

The ambulance wouldn't let Jeff and the others in the back of the ambulance. Jeff and The others took the car and drove behind the ambulance. The arrived at the hospital. The all went rushing in and seen them rushing barcode back into surgery. Mile sighed barcode into the hospital. They all set down worried and scared for barcode.

Jeff and Mile had blood all over their hands. They went into the bathroom and washed their hands.

Mile: he's gonna be ok.

Jeff: how do you know? Jeff says as tears fall from his eyes.

Mile: because , he's tough. He's tougher than all of us.

They go back in the waiting room and set down.

2 hours later........

The doctor comes up to them. They all get up from their chairs.

Jeff: how is he?

Apo: is he ok?

Mile: can we see him now?

Doctor: first , he's ok , and he's lucky to be alive. He should be fine with in a couple days but he needs all the rest he can get. You can see him now , he's asleep right now though.

They all rush back into his room and is relieved to see him okay. They all sit down and watch over him while he sleeps.

1:30 am.....

Everyone is asleep. Jeff wakes up to hearing heavy breathing and groans. He sees barcode sweating and breathing heavy and groaning in pain.

Jeff: barcode what's wrong?

Barcode: p'jeff , it hurts. Barcode says in a weak voice.

Jeff: hold on , I'll go get a doctor.

Jeff quickly rushes to get a doctor. They rush back in.

The Doctor pulls barcodes shirt up and check this wound.

Doctor: his wound is infected. The doctor puts antibiotics into barcodes IV. She then cleans and rubs medicine on barcodes wound.

Doctor: the antibiotics should bring down his fever , he should be alright in a little bit. Let me know if there's anything else you need.

The doctor leaves and Jeff sits back down beside barcode holding his hand.

Jeff: barcode , I'm so sorry this happened to you , it shouldn't have been you who got shot , you shouldn't have jumped in front of me.

Barcode: I don't care if I'm the one who got shot , as long as your ok I don't care.

Jeff: what about you? Do you know how I would feel if something happened to you?

Barcode: I know and I'm sorry p'jeff , but I didn't want anything bad to happen to you.

Jeff: I know , thank you for taking a bullet for me. Now get some rest , your need all the rest you can get.

Barcode nods and smiles , Jeff smiles back. Barcode lays back down and closes his eyes. He falls asleep holding Jeff's hand.

 He falls asleep holding Jeff's hand

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