mewgulf , mew ignores Gulf prank , Gulf ends up fainting from stress

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PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

Mew and Gulf have been dating for a year now

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Mew and Gulf have been dating for a year now. There anniversary is tomorrow. Mew is goijgnti hang out with a few if his friends today. He kisses Gulf bye and walked out the door.  Mew met his friends at the bar , he saw them already at a table and set down. They all ordered a beer , mew ordered a root beer. Mew and Gulf don't really drink , sometimes if it's a special day they drink but they don't get too drunk.

Tommy: hey man , you and Gulf anniversary is tomorrow right?

Mew: yea why?

Tommy: you should play a little prank on him.

Mew: what kind of prank?

Tommy: ignore him all day and then set up a dinner for him at the end of the day and bring him there.

Mew: I don't know , I'll feel bad if I ignore him.

Tommy:, oh come on , it's one harmless prank. Plus he'll be happy at the end of the day when he sees the dinner you set up.

Mew: I guess so , I don't know how I'm going ignore him though. Mew says taking a drink of his root beer.

Mew: he's too cute to ignore.

After mew is done hanging out with his friends , he heads back home. When he gets back home , Gulf is already asleep. He kisses him on the forehead and lays down next to him.

The next morning...

Gulf woke up , he didn't see mew beside him. He got up and got a shower. After he showered he went into the kitchen and saw mew cooking breakfast. Gulf walked up from behind mew and kissed him.

Gulf: good morning babe. Gulf says walking over to set the plates on the table. Mew didn't say anything , he just kept cooking the eggs. Gulf sets the plates down on the table and waits for mew to get done with the eggs.

Gulf: mew , what are we going to do today? Mew didn't say anything , Gulf was confused why mew wasn't answering him.

Gulf: mew?

Gulf: mew? Mew why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?

Mew just kept flipping the eggs. He felt really bad for ignoring Gulf but he wanted to surprise him tonight so he kept the prank going. Gulf was a little irritated now.

Gulf: mew , if I did something wrong just tell me , dint ignore me. Gulf sighs and walks into the bedroom to get changed into a outfit for today. he got changed and walked back out into the kitchen. Mew had setten the eggs down on the table and was already eating. Gulf sit down and started eating.

Gulf: mew ease just talk to me. please just tell me if I did something wrong.

Mew finished his food and put his plate in the sink and then walked into the bedroom to get changed. Gulf didn't even have an appetite to eat anymore. He was to irritated. He put his plate in the sink and walked into the bedroom.

Gulf: mew , mew please just answer me. Gulf says wrapping his hands around mew. Mew brushed his hands away and continued putting his shirt on.

Gulf: fine , whatever. Mew then walked back out in the front living room , Gulf followed. Mew was getting ready to walk out the front door.

Gulf: where are you going?

Mew then walked out without saying anything. At this point Gulf was mad at mew for ignoring him. He set in the couch waiting for mew to come back practically all night. He felt sad , angry and feels like he did something wrong. He tries to think of what he one but can't think of anything. He ended up falling asleep on the couch while waiting for mew.

Mew was out buying everything for the surprise dinner , when he went home Gulf was asleep on the couch. He took the opportunity to go out into the backyard and set up the surprise dinner. He went back in and Gulf then woke up. mew didn't want to quit the prank just yet , he wanted to set up a few more things. Gulf thought it was useless trying to talk to mew and just went into the bedroom. Tears started streaming down gulfs faces. He just wanted everything to be ok between them and felt sad because he thought he did something wrong. He wipes his tears away and set on the bed. Mew then walked in with a bouquet if flowers. gulf stranded yo confused. He got dizzy when he standed up. He then collapsed onto the floor. Mew quickly dropped the flowers and ran over to Gulf.

Mew: Gulf! Gulf wake up please!

Mew felt guilty , and worried for Gulf. He quickly picked Gulf up and rushed him to the car. He quickly rushed him to the hospital. He was sitting beside Gulf holding his hand. The doctor told him it was from stress. Mew felt so guilty , he regretted that stupid prank. He just wanted Gulf to be ok.

10:30 pm...

Gulf started waking up , he saw mew holding his hand. Gulf sit up and looked at mew. Mew had tears in his eyes.

Mew: Gulf , are you ok?

Gulf: so now your talking to me.

Mew: Gulf , I'm so so sorry , it was a stupid prank for our anniversary , I had a dinner set up in the back yard. Please , I'm so sorry. Mew says as tears roll down his cheeks.

Gulf: I thought I did something wrong , don't do that again or I'll get you back.

Mew: I won't I promise. I'm sorry. I love you.

Gulf: I love you to. Can we leave now?

Mew: I'll get the doctor to get the release papers.

Gulf: your forgetting something.

Mew looked at gulf confused. Gulf then smiles and kisses mew on the lips. Mew smiles and kisses him back.

Mew: happy anniversary.

After they left the hospital , they went back home. Mew gulfs hand and med him to the back yard. Gulf smiled at what he saw. There was a table with food on it , lights hanging around it and a candle on the table.

Gulf: mew , this is beautiful.

Mew: I'm so happy you like it.

Gulf wrapped his hands around mews neck and kissed him full of love. Mew wrapped his hands around gulfs waist and kissed him back.

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