jeffbarcode , the kinnporsche cast go skiing and an avalanche falls on barcode❄️

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
The kinnporsche cast are going skiing today. Barcode is so exited to go , he's been skiing once with his family , when he was little. Jeff is on his way to pick barcode up right now. Barcode was putting his sweatshirt on , when his phone dinged. He looked to see who texted him , it was Jeff.

Jeff: I'm out front now.

Barcode: kk , I'm coming 😊.

Jeff: I love you.

Barcode: I love you too.

Barcode and Jeff have been dating for 8 months. Barcode's parents supported their relationship , so did the fans and the other cast. Barcode went outside and Got into the car. Jeff smiles and pecked barcode on the lips. Barcode smiled and blushed.

Barcode: what was that for?

Jeff: just because I love you and you look adorable as always. Barcode his his face because he was shy. Jeff laughed and drove off. Barcode had a exited smile on his face the whole way. When they got there , he even more exited. Jeff parked and they got out. Everyone was already there. Barcode ran up to apo exited , Jeff followed behind barcode.

Apo: hey barcode , hey Jeff!

Barcode: hey p'apo! Guess what.

Apo: what?

Barcode took a snow ball from behind his back and threw it at apo. 

Apo: your so sneaky! Apo says laughing. Apo threw a snow ball at barcode but , barcode ducked and it hit Jeff. Jeff smiled evilly and threw one at barcode. They all started throwing snow balls at each other.

Mile: ok ok , enough throwing snow b-a snow ball hit mile.

Apo: ooops sorry mile.  Mile laughed and brushed the snow off of him. Mile wrapped his arm around apo's shoulder and Jeff wrapped his arms around barcodes waist. They all walk over to the others. They all put the skiing things in their feet. ( I've never been skiing so I'm not sure what their shoes are called lol ).

When all puts his skiing shoes on , he slips and falls in his but. Mile laughs and helps him up.

Mile: are you ok? Mile says helping apo up.

Apo: yeah. Apo throws snow at Mile.

Mile: what was that for?

Apo: that's for laughing.

Jeff is helping barcode put his skiing shoes on. After everyone puts their skiing shoes on , they all start skiiing. Barcode and Jeff is holding hands while skiing down a hill. After about 45 minutes everyone is tired and takes a break , barcode is not tried though so he continues to ski🎿. Jeff is keeping an eye on him while sitting with the others. Barcode is skiing down a hill , he accidentally falls on the ground. He goes to get up but is distracted by something at the top of the mountain about to fall. He doesn't have time to move , a avalanche falls on top of barcode. The others see it falling and get worried because barcode is still skiing. They go to the hill where barcode was skiing and start looking for him. Jeff is freaking out and about to kill someone , he can't find barcode nowhere. He's digging threw snow piles everywhere trying to find barcode. The others are starting to loose hope but Jeff isn't loosing hope.

Jeff then sees a huge snow pile and sees something sticking out of it. He runs over to it and starts digging threw it , the others help him. They see barcode laying there unconscious , Jeff holds barcode I'm his arms crying.

Jeff: call the ambulance!

Tong pulls his phone out and calls the ambulance.

Jeff: please just hold on a little bit longer barcode please. Please. Jeff says crying over barcodes body.

About 10 minutes later the ambulance arrive and rush barcode to the hospital. Jeff and the others are waiting in the waiting room. Jeff is pacing back and forth worried. He just wants barcode to be ok , he'd do anything to protect him and for him to be ok. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the doctor came.

Jeff and the others hurried and walks over to her.

Doctor: he's ok , but he's in critical condition. He's got a concussion and is currently not awake. He has hypothermia , which should go away in a bit. We gave him some antibiotics and some medicine for the hypothermia. so he's going to be drowsy when he wakes up and most likely have a headache. You guys can see him now. Room 14.

They all walk back into barcodes room. Jeff cry's harder when he sees barcode. Barcode has an IV in and a white bandaged wrapped around his head. Jeff sits beside barcode and buries his head into barcodes lap and cries. The other sit down and wait for him to wake up. Their all very worried.

5:45 am...

Jeff is still awake , he's holding barcodes hand while watching him sleep.

Jeff: I'm sorry this happened to you barcode. I wish I could have protected you. Jeff then feels barcodes grip wrap around his hand tighter. Jeff looks up and sees barcode awake.

Jeff: barcode-jeff gets cut off.

Barcode: phi Jeff , you always protect me , it wasn't your fault. You did protect me by stayijf my by side.

Jeff: I'm so glad your awake. Jeff helps barcode sit up and hugs him.

Barcode: I love you phi Jeff.

Jeff: I love you too. Jeff kisses barcode on the lips and hugs him again. Barcode smiles and buries his head into Jeff's chest. Jeff smiles and strokes his hair.

Jeff: you should get some more rest.

Barcode: will you lay with me?

Jeff: of course. Jeff gets under the covers and wraps his arms around barcode and barcode lays his head on Jeff's chest.

Barcode: thank you for always being by my side phi Jeff.

Jeff: your welcome , and thank you for being by side too. They both smile and fall asleep next to each other.

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