leofiat , fiat faints due to stress 😓

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PotterBlack25 I hope you like it 😊

Leo is a CEO of a company , he's been running the company for 5 years now

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Leo is a CEO of a company , he's been running the company for 5 years now. He's very hard working. Fiat is dating Leo , they've been dating for 4 years now. Leo and Fiat love each other very much. Leo is always at work , fiat is sad because he's always at work but he understands that Leo is hard working. Lea and fiat rarely fight but when they do they always make up quick.

It was Friday today and Leo and Fiat planned on going on a date today. Leo was in the living room waiting and Leo was in the bedroom getting ready. Leo out his jacket on and came out of the bedroom with a big smile on his face. When he walked out he seen Leo on the phone. He waited untill he got off of the phone. A few minutes later he hung up and looked at Leo with sorry eyes.

Fiat: work? Fiat says sounding disappointed.

Leo: I'm sorry babe , they need me. I'll be back soon I promise. Maybe we can go tomorrow. I'm really sorry.

Fiat: it's ok , I understand. Fiat says fake smiling.

Leo: are you sure your ok?

Fiat: mhm , promise. Leo pecks fiats cheek and grabs his coat and leave. As soon as Leo leaves fiats smile drops. He sighs and changes back into comfortable clothes. He then sits on the couch and turns on a movie.


1:30 am...

Leo walks through the front door and sees fiat sleeping on the couch with a movie playing. He turns the TV off and covers fiat up with a blanket. He kisses his forehead and goes upstairs to change.


The next morning...

Fiat wakes up and sees a note beside him. He picks the note up and reads it.

The note...

I'm sorry babe , I need to work today. Go a head and eat dinner without me , I'll get home late again. Love you🐻.

Leo sighs and puts the note back down. He then walks into the kitchen and puts a bowl on the counter. He pours some cereal into the bowl and some milk. He then gets a spoon and sits down and starts eating his cereal. While he's eating his cereal , he starts to think maybe Leo just don't want to be home with him. Fiat feels likes he's boring to Leo. He sighs and puts his bowl in the sink. He then walks outside into their garden. He starts waters their plants. He can't stop thinking about Leo , he starts to think Leo might not love him anymore. He finishes watering all the plants and walks back into the house. He goes into his room and lays down on the couch. He falls asleep thinking about it.


11;30 pm...

Fiat gets woken up by the front door being closed. He stretches and walks down stairs. He sees Leo handing his coat up. Leo turns and sees fiat.

Leo: oh sorry babe , I didn't mean to wake you.

Fiat: it's fine. Did you already eat?

Leo: yeah. I stopped at on and out on the way home.

Fiat: oh ok. Do you work late tomorrow?

Leo: yeah , I'll probably be working late the rest of the week. Leo then walks upstairs and Fiat follows , They get into the bedroom. Leo starts changing his shirt , fiat wants to ask Leo if he still loves him but of course he'd say he's. Fiat is really stressing about this , he's been thinking about this all morning. Leo is finished getting dressed. Leo then gets a call. He answers it. As Leo is taking fiat starts to feel dizzy.

Leo: krub , I know. I'll bring you the files tomorrow.

Leo: yes , yes ok-fiat callpases on the floor. Leo quickly throws the phone in the bed and runs over to fist.

Leo: fiat! Fiat! Leo says shaking Leo. He quickly picks him up bridle style and rushes him to the car. He pulls out of the drive way and speeds to the hospital. He carries him in and s doctors takes fiat back into a room. Leo is signing fiat in the hospital. After he's finished and sits down in a chair in the waiting room and waits for a doctor to tell him what's going on.


Leo has been waiting for about 35 minutes. A doctor comes up to him. Leo gets up and walks to her.

Leo: how is he?

Doctor: he's wake now , the reason he fainted is because of stress. We gave him some medicine because he had a headache from hitting the floor. You can see him now , room 15.

Leo: thank you.

Leo walks away and walks to fiats room. He sees fiat sitting up. He walks over to him and holds his hand. Fiat then looks at Leo.

Leo: fiat , baby what have you been stressing about? You know you can talk to me right?

Fiat: I know. Fiat says in a low voice.

Leo: talk to me na , na.

Fiat: do you still love me? Fiat says with tears starts to build up.

Leo: what , of course I do. Why would you even ask that?

Fiat: it's just , I feel like your always at work because you don't want to see me and I'm being to you. He says with tears going down his face.

Leo: fiat , I love you more than anything and more than anyone in this whole entire universe. I'm sorry I've been working late this last week. And you are not boring , infact , your the most fun , beautiful , cute , adorable , funny person to me. Please don't think like that. Fiat smiles and hugs Leo.

Fiat: I'm sorry I made to worry.

Leo: it's ok , you don't have to apologize. Leo says stroking the back of fiats hair. I love you.

Fiat: I love you too.

Leo: I actually have a surprise for you.

Fiat: what is it?

Leo: I cleared my whole schedule for next week , me and you are going on a vacation. Just the two of us. Fiats face lot up when he heard that.

Fiat: really?!

Leo: yes.

Fiat: I love you Leo. Fiat says hugging Leo.

Leo: I love you too fiat. Leo says smiling.


I'm sorry I haven't been posting much , I've been binge watching manner of death lol. Enjoy.

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