phayurain , someone assaults rain at the race

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ang3l_n_d3vil I hope you like it 😊

Phayu and prapai are taking rain and sky to the the race tonight

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Phayu and prapai are taking rain and sky to the the race tonight. Sky and rain are waiting for phayu and prapai to pick them up. They outside waiting.

Sky: rain , have you been to a race before?

Rain: I've been there with phayu once. What about you?

Sky: this is my first time going.

Phayu and prapai then pulled up. Sky and rain then hoped into the car. Rain and sky set in the back and phayu was driving , prapai was upfront. Phayu then drove away. They arrived at the race. A security person let them in after asking phayu's name. They parked and got out. There was a bunch of people there. There was people getting motorbikes ready for the race. Prapai was one of the racers , he put his race suit on and took sky to
See to his motorbike. Phayu took rain to look at the other motorbikes. Rain noticed a guy staring at him , he got closer to phayu. Phayu held his hand. The first 2 racers got ready and everybody gathered around to watch the race. Prapai was the next racer. The 2 racers then stared their motorbikes up and took off. Everyone cheered and bet who was going to win. The guy then got closer to rain in the huge crowd. The guy out his hand on rains shoulder , rain felt uncomfortable. He moved to the other side of phayu. Phayu noticed the guy and gave him a death glare a the guy then backed up a bit. Phayu then put his arm around rains waist and pulled him closer.

After the 2 guys races , it was prapai's turn to race. Prapai was on his motorbike waiting for the race to start. Sky was cheering for him , Prapai smiles when sky cheers for him. One of the motorbikes needed fixed so phayu has to go fix it. He told rain to wait next to sky and he would be right back. Rain listens and stands next to sky. The guy then got behind rain and sky. Sky told rains arm and moved away from the guy. The race then stared and prapai and the other racer started racing. Rain had to use the bathroom. He told sky he would be right back and walked away. Sky nods and watched prapai race. Rain was done using the bathroom , when he left the bathroom that guy was outside of the bathroom. ( Btw it's one of those porta potty's outside ). Rain tries to walk away but the guy pinned him against the wall.

Guy: your a pretty little thing you know that. He said touching rains face.

Rain: let me go. Please.

Guy: oh come on , let's have some fun.

Rain: no , no please.

The guy touched rains member. Rain kicked the guy , the guy turned to anger and punches rain , he then shives him against the wall harder. Rain tries to get out of his grip but the guys grip is too strong. Tears streamed down rains face. The guy started unbuttoning rains shirt.

Rain: stop it! Stop please! The guy just smiles and continues unbottoning his shirt. The guy smashed his lips against rains. Rain tries so hard pushing him away. The guy started sucking on rains neck. Rain screamed and cried.

Phayu was looking for rain , he then hears rain screaming. Prapai and sky was also with phayu looking for rain. They ran towards rains voice. Phayu seen the guy in rain and turned into full anger. He punched that guy off if rain. Rain fell to the ground crying and shaking. Phayu punched the guy untill he was bleeding and unconscious. Phayu then rushed to rain and pulls him into a hug. Rain cried so hard into phayu's arms. Sky was also comforting rain. Prapai took care of the guy. Rain was still shaking and panicking.

Phayu: rain , it's ok now , I'm right here with you , your ok now.

Rain: h-he wouldn't get o-off , I b-begged him.

Phayu: shh , it's ok. It's ok I'm right here. I'm not going to let him hurt you again I promise. Phayu covered rain up with his jacket and helped him up. Rain was holding phayu's hand , he held it so tight. Sky was also hugging rain. Phayu helped rain up off of the ground , they all walked back to the car and left. Prapai was driving , sky was upfront , rain was in the back holding into phayu. When they got back at phayu's house , phayu took rain up to the bedroom and gave him a clean pair of clothes to wear. It was a long white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Rain changed and sit in the bed beside phayu. Rain was still shaken up about what happen. Phayu held his hand and hugged him all night.

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