yoonton , ton gets shot 🩸💀

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Kate_Sxnad I hope you like it 😊

Yoon and ton have a fan meeting today , their very exited to meet all the fans. They are driving to the fan meeting right now. Yoon and ton are also dating , they started dating when their series was over. They arrive at the fan meeting. there are fans outside and inside holding signs up and screaming and waving. Yoon and ton get out of the car and wave and smiles back at them. They walk inside and security walks beside them. The fans follow them all the way inside. They start signing auto graphs and taking photos with fans. They talk and hug fans.

Time skip...

The fan meeting is ending. All the fans are leaving and yoon and ton are getting ready to leave. Ton spots a fan still standing there. Their wearing a hat and a mask so he can't really see their face. Yoon wraps his arm around ton's waist.

Yoon: what are you doing?

Ton: I think that fan wants a photo.

Toon: let's go say hi then.

Ton nods and smiles. They start walking up to the fan.

Ton: hello , would you like a picture?

The fan has something behind their back and not saying a word.

Yoon: would you like a photo or an autograp-the person then points a gun at ton. yoon puts his arm infront of ton.

Yoon: j-just out the gun down please. Yoon says trying to calm the person down and in a frighten voice.

The fan sees the staff coming. Tom takes yoon's hand and goes to run but before they could they shot ton in the stomach. Ton falls to the floor into yoon's arms. The fan goes to run but the staff catch them and have them arrested. Yoon is holding something on tons wound trying to put pressure on it. He's crying so hard over ton.

Yoon: just stay awake please ton. Yoon says as his tears drip down on to ton. Yoon is holding tons hand , he can feel ton loosing grip. ( It means he's going unconscious ).

Yoon: no ,no ,no , stay awake please!

Ton then goes completely unconscious. Yoon cry's even harder. After about 10 minutes the ambulance arrive and rush to to the hospital. Yoon follows behind them. Yoon rushes into the hospital and walks up to a doctor.

Yoon: i-its h-he g-gonne be o-ok.

Doctor: he's in surgery now , he's got a good chance of making it. Why didn't you go and wash your hands and wait in the waiting room and I'll let you know when he's out of surgery.

Yoon looks at his hands and realizes he has tons blood all over him. He nods and walks into the bathroom. He watches as the blood turns red. After he gets his hands cleaned up , he goes and waits in the waiting room. He still has blood all over his jacket , but he doesn't care , all he wants is tom to be ok. he waits there for about an hour. The doctor finally comes out. Yoon sits up and walks over to her.

Doctor: he made it , he's gonna be alright. He's awake , he's gonna be in some pain for some time but he should heal soon.

Yoon: thank you so much. Yoon says hugging the doctor and crying.

Yoon: thank you. He says sobbing. He's so glad he's alright.

Yoon the pulls away from the hug and walks back to tons room. Ton looks at yoon and yoon rushes over and hugs him. They both cry until each other's arms. After they both have calmed down , they pull away from the hug. Ton wipes yoon's tears away.

Yoon: I'm so glad your ok , I was so scared.

Ton: I'd rather it be me then you. I'm glad you weren't the one who got shot.

Yoon: don't say that , I'd rather it not be any of us.

Ton: I know , but I'm just glad your ok. Ton smile and yoon hugs him again.

Yoon: I love you , I love you so much ton.

Ton: I love you too yoon.

Yoon: try and get some rest ok.

Ton: you too.

Yoon: don't worry about me , worry about you first.

Ton nods and lays down. Yoon kisses tons forehead and sits down while holding his hand. Ton then falls asleep and yoon stays awake and makes sure hes ok.

Btw guys , if you want ones with sad ending , let me know.

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