jeffbarcode , Jeff finds barcode cutting himself

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JazzyluvesJohnnysuh I hope you like it 😊

The kinnporsche has just got back from tour a few days ago

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The kinnporsche has just got back from tour a few days ago. Everyone had a really good time meeting all of the fans and singing and being on stage.

It's around 11:30 pm at night. Barcids is up playing games on his Xbox. He sees that Jeff , tong and apo joined the same serves that he's in.

Jeff: Barcode , why are you still up you have school tomorrow.

Barcode: I know p'jeff , I'll go to bed soon.

Tong: aww Jeff's acting like a parent 😂.

Apo: yea , when I was barcode's age I would stay up all night on school nights.

Jeff: yea well he needs all the rest he can get , so after this round he's going to bed.

Barcode: aww come on p'jeff.

Jeff: barcode , don't make me come to your house and stay with you untill you go to sleep.

Barcode: ok ok , I'll go to bed after this round I promise.

Tong: booo Jeff.

Jeff: I guess we know who the mature one is here.

Apo: ouch! So rude.

Barcode shuts the game off after playing a round with them. He's glad to have them in his life. He lays down and shuts his eyes falling asleep.

The next morning...

Barcode is all ready for school. His parents are on a work trip so he's home alone for the next few days. He puts some bread in the toaster and gets a glass of milk. His toast pops up and he grabs it and sits down. He eats it while scrolling through Twitter. He sees a post about him and take in it.

User: he sucks at acting , why did they even hire him , and why does everyone call him cute and adorable , he just wants to make me puke.

User12lucky: if I had a choice to kiss a clown or him , the clown would win 😂.

Kate_12: I hate him so much , I honestly wish his parents would have just stopped at his sister.

Barcode feels like crying right now , he Doesn't understand what he has ever done to any of these people. He realizes what time it is and grabs his bag and walks out the door. He tries his best to ignore those comments. He gets to school and a few people start staring and whispering. He over hears one of his friends talking to someone.

Friend: honestly I'm just his friend because he's famous , he stinks at acting I don't now how he got casted in the series. He ruins the show.

Barcode continues walking to his first class and sits down at his desk. He feels so hurt because of what his friend said and those comments. The teacher then walks into the classroom and they start class. After that class he goes to his next few classes. It soon turns lunch time and barcode is sitting alone. He keeps getting tagged in a post. He opens Twitter and sees more comments.

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