jeffbarcode , tong has barcode play a prank on Jeff that he's feeling sick

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Request from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
Barcode is really exited to go to the filming studio today. Tong asked barcode to pull a prank on Jeff. Barcodes going to pretend to not feel good and faint in Jeff's arms. He's exited to see how Jeff is going to react. Tong already told the others what's going on , the only one who doesn't know is Jeff.

Jeff is picking barcode up , barcodes going to say he has a headache in the car. Barcode puts his favorite grey sweatshirt on and blue jeans. He then waits outside for Jeff. A few minutes later he pulls up. Barcode walks over to the car and get inside , Jeff the pulls away. Barcode closes his eyes and lays his head back against the seat.

Jeff: you ok?

Barcode: yeah , just a headache that's all.

Jeff puts his hand on barcodes forehead to feel if he's running a fever.

Jeff: no fever , that's good. If your headache gets any worse let me know.

Barcode: ok.

Jeff keeps looking over and making sure he's ok. When they get to the filming studio they walk inside. Tong takes barcode and takes him to a quiet place.

Tong: well did he buy the headache thing?

Barcode: yea , he believed him.

Tong: ok good , when you guys are practicing your lines , you get "light headed ".

Barcode: alright. I do kinda feel bad though.

Tong: don't worry , it'll be fine. Don't feel bad ok.

Barcode: ok.

They walk back to the others and they all start practicing their lines for their scenes.

Jeff and barcode are standing beside each other practicing their lines. Barcode stumbles back a bit. Tong has a cheeky smile in his face.

Jeff: barcode what's wrong?

Barcode: n-nothing , I'm fine. I just got a little light headed.

Jeff: sit down.

Jeff takes barcodes arm and brings him over to the couch. Jeff gets barcode a water and hands it to him. Barcode takes a few sips.

Tong is trying so hard to keep the laughter in. He has to cover his mouth from laughing.

Director: alright let's start shooting!

Jeff grabs a hold of barcodes arm just in case. ( How sweet is Jeff 😊). They get until character and starts filming the scene. After their scene it's apo and Mile's scene. Tong takes barcode again.

Tong: ok now , when you and Jeff are getting ready to leave , you "collapse" into his arms.

Barcode: ooo I'm so nervous. Barcode says in a exited voice.

Tong: we're gonna get him good.

Barcode squeals and they walk back.

Time skip.....

It's time to go home now. Barcode is standing beside Jeff just talking. Mile and apo are talking to them also. Barcode stumbles back ,Jeff holds onto his arm.

Jeff: are you ok?

Barcode: I'm ok.

Apo: do you want some water?

Barcode: not really , I'm ok. Just tired I guess.

Jeff looks really worried about barcode. He he kept an eye on him the whole entire day. When they was getting ready to leave.

As they was walking out barcode stopped. Jeff still had a hold of his arm. He stopped by barcode did. Before Jeff could say anything , barcode calloused into his arms.

Jeff: barcode! Barcode! Jeff shake barcode trying to wake him.

Jeff: somebody get water hurry! Tong hurries over with water and hands it to Jeff.

Jeff puts a little bit of water on barcode , barcode jumps up from the cold water.

Jeff: barcode , barcode are you ok?

Tong couldn't hold it in any longer , he burst out laughing , barcode also starts laughing along with everyone else. Jeff looks at them confused.

Jeff: what's so funny? What's going on?

Tong: ok ok  , Jeff we're sorry but it was a prank. Barcode was never really sick , it was just part of the prank. Tong says laughing.

Jeff: are you serious? I thought something was seriously wrong. Barcode you about gave me a heart attack. I was really worried.

Barcode: I'm sorry p'jeff , please don't be mad.

Jeff: I'm not mad , I was just worried. Jeff says helping barcode up off of the floor.

Jeff: so your head don't hurt?

Barcode: no I'm perfectly fine p'jeff. I'm sorry.

Jeff: let me guess , tongs idea.

Tong: hey , why are just assuming things.

Jeff: so it wasn't your idea?

Tong: oh no , it was totally my idea. Tong says laughing again.

Barcode: I'm sorry p'jeff , don't be mad.

Jeff: I'm not mad I promise, let's get you home now.

Barcode: ok. Bye tong , bye everyone.

Barcode says by to everyone and Jeff and barcode walks to the car. Jeff starts driving.

Jeff: I guess your a pretty good prankster. Jeff says laughing.

Barcode: thanks. Barcode says laughing.

Jeff: your welcome , my little prankster.

Barcode smiles and hugs Jeff , Jeff hugs him back.

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