phayurain , rain gets a panic attack and passes out

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Emotionless_platypus I hope you like it 😊

Emotionless_platypus I hope you like it 😊

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Rain is heading to uni. He's a little stressed lately because of the exams coming up. He's also scared he'll get a panic attack today. He's been having them since he was a kid. Phayu knows about it and when rain has one , phayu helped him through it. Lately he's been getting a lot more than usual. He usually gets them from stress/anxiety. He walks into class and sits down beside sky.

Rain: hi sky.

Sky: oh hi rain , did you study last night?

Rain: yes , I'm so tired.

Sky: well the exams will be over soon.

The teacher then walks in. they turn to the teacher. The teacher starts passing out the exam , they start their exam. Rain is Bouncing his leg and playing with his hands. He fies this almost the whole time. When everyone's done they give their exam to the teacher and leave the classroom. Rain has one more exam in one more class. As he's walking to his next class his hands start shaking and he's having trouble breathing. He already knows he's having a panic attack. He quickly goes into a bathroom stall and slides down the wall. He tries to breathe properly but can't. Tears stream down his face. Every thing starts to go black and he passes out.

Sky notices rain didn't come to his next class. He calls him but him answer. He then calls phayu thinking maybe phayu knows where he is. Phayu told sky he doesn't and phayu tries calling him but still no answer. Phayu then rushes down to rains university and looks for him. Sky helps look for him. Phayu looked everywhere except for the bathroom. He quickly walk in and sees one of the stall locked. He knocks on it but no one answers. He pick locks the door and opens it. He sees rain unconscious on the floor and quickly rushes to him.

Phayu: rain! Phayu holds rains in his arms. A few minutes later rain starts waking up. He looks up and realizes he's in phayu's arms.

Rain: o-phayu.

Phayu: rain , are you ok? I found you unconscious , what happened?

Rain slowly sits up.

Rain: I had another panic attack and I went unconscious.

Phayu: are you ok now?

Rain: I'm ok now. Phayu holds rain in his arms. ( Sitting up ).

Phayu: lets go home for today.

Rain nods and phayu helps him get up off of the ground. Rain hugs phayu.

Rain: thank you.

Phayu: for what?

Rain: for always helping me through my panic attacks and always being by my side.

Phayu or is rain on the lips.

Phayu: your welcome. I'm always going to be by your side no matter what. I love you rain.

Rain: I love you to. Phayu takes rains hand and leads him to the car. Phayu drives away and drives back to his house. When they get to phayu's house they walk up to the bedroom.

Phayu: get some rest na. ( Na means please ).

Rain: I will. You need to rest to.

Phayu: don't worry about me , worry about you getting rest.

Rain: I'll get some rest I promise.

Rain lays down and phayu covers him up with a blanket and kisses him on the forehead.

Rain falls asleep and phayu goes downstairs to make some dinner for rain.

8:30 pm......

Phayu comes up stars to wake rain up for dinner. When he walks in he sees rain having a panic attack. He quickly runs over to him.

Phayu: rain , rain translate your breathing ok.

Phayu: focus on your breathing. Rain listens to phayu's voice and focuses on his breathing. He starts to calm down. Phayu pulls him into a hug.

Phayu: your ok. Your ok I'm right here with you.

Rain cry's into phayu's arms. Phayu rubs his back and kisses his head calming him down.

After rain is all calmed down phayu takes his hand and leads him downstairs. Rain sits down at the table and phayu brings food over to him. Phayu then sits down and they start eating. After dinner phayu and rain go upstairs.

Phayu lays next to rain. Phayu pulls rains head closer and rain Barrie's his head in phayu's chest. Phayu wraps his arms around him.

Phayu: goodnight rain.

Rain: goodnight phayu.

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