phayurain , rain is drunk and phayu takes care of him 🍺

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kittyarora5 I hope you like it 😊

Rain and sky are going to a uni party

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Rain and sky are going to a uni party. Phayu is going to go with rain since he doesn't have work today. Their in phayu's bedroom getting ready for the party.

Rain: p'phayu , can I wear your sweatshirt?

Phayu: of course. Phayu says smiling. Rain put it on.

Phayu: you know , this is why I have no sweatshirts on my closet anymore. Phayu says laughing.

Rain: what do you mean?

Phayu: you steak them all. Phayu says smiling/laughing.

Rain: well I'm your wife so I can take them. Rain says smiling and walking out of the bedroom. ( Their not married ). Phayu laughs and puts his shirt on while walking out of the bedroom. They both walk downstairs , phayu grabs the keys and they head out. They get to the party and walk in.

Phayu: rain , don't drink too much o-rain runs off when he sees sky. He runs exited like a little kid. Phayu just shakes his head and smiles.

Sky: rain! I'm so happy your here!

Rain: me too! Let's go dance!

Rain takes sky's arm and to go dance. they go to the middle of the floor where a lot of people are and start dancing. A few people hand them a cup with beer in it. They accept it and drink. Sky only drinks 2 cups and rain has 5 cups. Rain can barely stand up , sky has rains arm wrapped around his arm. He brings rain to phayu.

Phayu: how much did he drink?

Sky: 5 cups , I told him not to drink so much but he didn't listen. Rain has his arm wrapped around phayu's shoulder now.

Sky: I'm leaving now , prapai is here to pick me up. Bye p'phayu by rain.

Phayu: bye sky. Sky then leaves.

Phayu: rain , why did you drink so much? Come on let's go home.

Rain: iittss sooo brighhht. Rain says in a drunk voice.

Phayu: let's go. Phayu takes rains outside and starts waking to the car. Rain stops for a minute causing phayu to stop.

Phayu: rain what's wr-rain throws up on the ground. Phayu rubs hus back.

Phayu: you shouldn't have drink so much.

Rain: *cough *cough. Aa ghoosyt is squaezzinf mii head. Rain says holding his head.

Phayu can't help but smile at rains cuteness. Rain acts so adorable when he's drunk. Phayu helps rain to the car. He drives back to his house. ( Phayu's house ). He helps rain into the house. He sets rain on the couch and goes to the kitchen to get rain a glass of water.

Rain: p'phagui.

Phayu: one second rain.

Phayu comes in with a glass of water and sets it infront of rain.

Phayu: drink this rain.

Rain: nooo. I don't wsnt it.

Phayu: rain , it'll help get you sobber.

Rain: yoiiur hasdnckme. Rain says laughing and touching phayu's lips.

Rain: arrre you single?

Phayu: no , I have wifey. Phayu says smiling at rain.

Rain starts crying.

Rain: break up then , and be with me. Rain says pointing his finger at phayu. Phayu can't help but laugh.

Phayu; rain , you are my wifey. Let's get you to the bedroom. Phayu takes rains arm and starts walking. Rain sees himself in the mirror.


Phayu: rain , it's a mirror your drunk.

Rain: it's trying to steal my handsome face.

Phayu: come on , keep walking. Phayu gets rain into the bedroom and lays him on the bed.

Phayu: I'm going to get you some medicine for your head stay here.

Rain smiles and gets up off of the bed.

Phayu: rain set down.

Rain: make me. Rain says touching phayu's chest. Phayu takes rains arm.

Phayu: rain sit down now , before you fall.

Rain: why , are you my dad? Rain says smiling. Rain steps back and falls in to the floor. Rain rolls over face on the floor and just lays there.

Rain: hehehe.

Phayu: *sigh* I can't wait untill you wake up in the morning. Phayu says smiling at a video he took of rain.

Phayu picks rain up bridle style and puts him on the bed. Rain falls asleep. Phayu takes his shoes off and covers him up. Phayu then kisses his forehead and lays next to him.

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