kinnporsche , Porsche and porchay get stabbed

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Kinn , Porsche , Kim and chay are going on a double date today. Chay is exited because their going to the zoo. Chay has only been to the zoo once and that was when his class went to the zoo for a field trip. That was when he was in like 1st or 2d grade so he doesn't rember much. Chay was in his room getting ready. Kim walked into the room and kissed chay on the cheek.

Kim: you look adorable.

Chay: thank you p'kim. You look handsome.

Kim smiles and patted chays head.

Chay: can I wear one of your sweatshirts?

Kim: or course you can. Kim hands chay one of his sweatshirts and chay puts it on.

Kim: ready to go?

Chay: yes let's go! Chay says exited. Kim smiles and wraps his arm around chays waist.


Porsche: uhg forget this! I have nothing to wear!

Kinn: wear your one jeans , and you can wear one of my sweatshirts if you want.

Porsche: oii whatever fine! Porsche takes the sweatshirt out of kinn's hand and goes in the bathroom to change.

Kinn: jeez , and I thought Khun was dramatic over clothes. Kinn says to his self.

Porsche: I heard that!

Kinn laughs and sits on the edge of the bed and waits for Porsche to get done.


At the zoo...

Porsche and kinn walk up to Kim and chay. Chay ran to Porsche exited and hugged him.

Chay: hi p'porsche!

Porsche: hey chay. Are you exited?

Chay: yeah! I wanna see a shark! Let's go let's to! Chay says pulling Porsches arm.

Porsche: ok I'm coming. Porsche says laughing. Kim and kinn also laugh while following behind them.


They've been at the zoo for a little bit now. They was having a lot of fun , chay got to feed a flamingo and some birds. They was at a food stand taking a lunch break. They got their food and set at a table.

Chay: mmm Porsche try this. It's good.

Porsche tries chays slushie.

Porsche: it taste like a mixture of cherry 🍒 and blue berry 🫐.

Chay: yeah but it's good.

Porsche: eh , I like orange 🍊 better.

Chay smiles and continues drinking his slushie.

Kim feeds chay a few bites of his food and kinn and Porsche are sharing some sushi. They eat their food and drink their slushies.

While their eating chay notices some guys in black looking at them. Chay tries to ignore it but he can't help but feel creeped out. Kim notices chay looking uneasy.

Kim: chay what's wrong?

Chay: those guys keep staring.

Kim: try to ignore them. Kim says putting his hand on chays hand. Chay nods and smiles. He takes a sip of his slushie.


They finished eating and drinking their slushies. Kim and Kinn are going to use the bathroom now. They walk into the bathroom and see the same guys that was looking at them. They had knifes in their hands and was ready to fight. Kim and kinn went to grab their guns but the guys threw a punch and kicked kinn to the ground , one of them then swung at Kim but Kim grabs their leg and threw him on to the ground. One of the guys then came behind Kim and grabbed him.


Chay and Porsche was getting worried because they've been in there for a while. They walked in and seen the guys beating Kim and kinn up. Chay quickly kicked one of the guys off of Kim. The guy then turned around and punches chay in the face. Porsche quickly grabbed the guy but the guy grabbed Porsche and stabbed him. Chay went to fighting back but the other guy stabbed him. Kinn quickly grabbed his gun and shot all of the guys and then quickly went to Porsche. Kim seen chay laying on the ground bleeding.

Kim: chay! Chay no! Kim ran to chay and held him in his arms and cried over his body.

Kinn: we need to get them to a hospital! Kinn says as tears stream down his face. They quickly pick them up bridle style and rush them to the car. Chay and Kim are in the back , chay has his head on Kim's lap and kinn is driving and Porsche is in the front seat. Chay is starting to go unconscious.

Kim: chay , chay you need to stay awake. Please just , just don't close your eyes please. He says crying and trying to put pressure on chays wound. Kinn was speeding. Porsche had already went unconscious. Kinn had one hand in Porsche wound trying to put pressure on it and had the other hand on the steering wheel.


They arrived at the hospital , and they rushed them in. They doctors quickly rushed them back , while Kim and kinn has to wait in the waiting room. Kim has his face buried in his hand crying and worried sick about chay. Kinn was pacing back and forth worrying about Porsche.

Kinn: the doctor should have told us something by now.

Kim: kinn , they just went back 15 minutes ago.

Kinn: well they should at least keep us updated.

Khun then comes rushing in.

Khun: where are they!? Are they ok?!

Kim: they haven't told us anything yet.

Kinn: how'd you even know what was going on?

Khun: don't be stupid! Kim called me!

Khun sits beside Kim.


About 30 minutes later the doctor comes out.

Kim/kinn/Khun: are they ok?!

Doctor: err yes , the knife luckily didn't go to deep , chay is asleep and Porsche is awake. Their would is going to be score for a few days, I'm subscribing them a pain medicine for it. Chays room in 13 and Porsche room is 14.

Kinn/Kim: thank you so much.

They all rush back to their rooms. Khun and Kim goes to chays room and kinn goes to Porsche room. Kim holds chays hand while sitting beside him. Khun covers him up with a blanket and fluffs his pillows.

Kim: Khun why are you fluffing the pillows?

Khun: so he'll be comfortable.

Kim shakes his head and continues watching chay.


Porsche room...

Kinn and Porsche are holding hands. Khun then badges in our of no where. He has water and chips in his hands.

Khun: Porsche , I got you 2 different kinds of chips and some water. Here ya go. Khun says sitting them down next to Porsche.

Khun: I'm going to bring chay some chips now.

Porsche: oh how is chay?

Kinn: he's asleep. Well maybe , he might have woken up I'm not sure. Porsche nods and opens his chips.


Khun comes into chays room with chips and water. Chay is awake and is cuddling with Kim's jacket. Khun comes over and sits down the chios and water.

Khun: I got you some Cheetos because I know their your favorite and some water.

Chay: thank you p'Khun. Chay says smiling.

Khun: your welcome , now I'm going to find a hot doctor to say hello to. Khun smiles and waves by and then leaves. Kim and chay laugh.

Chay: I love you p'kim.

Kim: I love you too chay. Kim says kissing the tip of chays nose.

Chay smiles and Kim feeds chay a chip while chay feeds Kim a chip.

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