mewgulf , Gulf faint due to being pregnant

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RiEnaRieNa863 I hope you like it 😊

Mew is the principal of university , new has a boyfriend Gulf , Gulf is a teacher at university

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Mew is the principal of university , new has a boyfriend Gulf , Gulf is a teacher at university. They have been dating for over 2 years now. Gulf hasn't been feeling well lately. He's been throwing up every morning and craving weird things and has been moody. Mew has been taking such good care of Gulf.

Mew woke up for work , he didn't see Gulf beside him. He heard vomiting sounds coming from the bathroom. He quickly went in to check in Gulf. Gulf was hovered over the toilet throwing up. Mew rubbed his back.

* Gulf throwing up *.

Mew: are you ok baby?

Gulf: I'm fine.

Mew: maybe you should go into work today.

Gulf: I'll be fine , I promise. I just need a few minutes and I'll be fine.

Mew: are you sure?

Gulf: yea. Gulf flushes the toilet and stands up. He walks into the bedroom and gets changed. Mew showers and gets ready. They both get until the car and drive off. Gulf walks into his classroom and sets his stuff in his desk. He grades papers while waiting for his class to start. He has a headache and feels nauseous. His class the starts. Students started coming in and sitting down. Gulf stands up and gives them their test backs. As he's walking back to his desk , he gets really dizzy , he callouses onto the floor. The students start freaking out. A student runs to him.

Student: Mr.gulf! Mr.gulf please wake up!

Student2: go get mr.mew!

The students then runs to mew office and barges in.

Mew: could you please come back later , I'm in the middle a meeti-mew gets cut off.

Student: mr.gulf fainted!

Mew then got up and ran back to the classroom with the student. He held gulf in his arms.

Mew: Gulf! Gulf! Mew then picked Gulf up bridle style and rushes him to the hospital.

Time skip...

Gulf is in a room in the hospital , mew is holding his hand while waiting for a doctor to come back. A doctor then comes back.

Gulf and mew both look up at her.

Mew: what's wrong with him?

Doctor: congratulations , your pregnant.

Mew and Gulf both look at each other shocked.

Doctor: I'll leave you two alone for a minute.

Gulf: we're going to have a baby.

Mew: I'm gonna be a dad.

Mew: let's riase this baby together.

Gulf: let's do it.

Mew and Gulf both smile and kisses each other.

Mew: I love you Gulf.

Gulf: I love you to mew.

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