jeffbarcode , someone puts sleeping pills in barcodes drink

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Requested from anonymous. I hope you like it 😊
The kinnporsche cast are staying in a hotel in Korea , their on your right now. They are all going down to the hotels restruant tonight to celebrate the concert they had tonight. They are all in their rooms getting ready to go down to the hotels restruant. Barcode and Jeff are roommates. Barcode is changing his shirt while Jeff is in the bathroom showering. A few minutes later Jeff comes out with wet hair.

Jeff: ready? Jeff says drying his hair with a towel.

Barcode: yea , just one sec. Barcode says grabbing his phone.

Barcode: ok let's go.

Jeff puts his arm around barcodes shoulder and walks down to the restaurant with him. They see the others already there and set down at their table.

Tong: Jeff , here taste this. Tong says handing Jeff a beer.

Jeff: no thanks , I don't want drunk.

Tong: you never get drunk , just taste it.

Jeff: I'll take a juice instead.

Tong: alright fine , barcode what do you want?

Barcode: I'll take a cocoanut juice.

Apo: do they have those?

Tong: yea , it's right here on the menu.

The waiter then comes up to their table. She makes eye contact with Jeff.

Waiter: hi , what can I get you guys tonight? She says while looking at Jeff flirty.

Tong: 6 beers , one juice and one coconut juice.

Waiter: sure , coming right up.

Jeff avoids eye contact with her and focuses on barcode. The waiter walks away to go get their order. About ten minutes later she brings them their drinks. Tong and the others go in the dance floor and dance. Barcode is dancing beside Jeff , the waiter pulls Jeff toward the table where it white and talks to him.

Waiter: so what's your name?

Jeff: uh , it's Jeff.

Waiter: that's a cute name , I'm Evelyn.

Jeff: that's cool. Jeff says scratching the back of his head clearly not interested in her. Barcode then comes up to them.

Barcode: p'jeff , come dance to this song. Barcode says pulling Jeff's arms.

Jeff: it was nice talking to you bye. Jeff says quickly going with barcode. They start dancing , Evelyn comes and dances beside Jeff. Jeff moves over to barcode and Evelyn follows.

Evelyn: do you want to go up to a room where its quieter?

Jeff: I better uh keep an eye on barcode , sorry though.

Evelyn walks away clearly annoyed by barcode. She then pulls sleeping pills out of her purse and outs them into barcode's drink. She thinks of barcode gets tired he'll go up and go to sleep and her and Jeff can be alone. She then walks away and waits. Barcode comes back to the table and takes a few drinks of his coconut juice. He then walks back to the dance floor. He dances for a little while before he starts to feel tired. Barcode goes and sits dine at their table. ( the seats are like a couch thing or whatever ). He lays down on seat/couch and falls asleep. The others dance s little longer , Evelyn keeps trying to get close with Jeff but Jeff ignores her the whole time. After their done dancing and ready to go back up to the rooms , Jeff goes to wakes barcode up. The rest come back to the table to get there stuff. Jeff take barcode.

Jeff: barcode , barcode we're going back up to the rooms now. Barcode?

Apo: shake him.

Jeff gently shakes him but still not waking up.

Apo: he must really be out.

Jeff: barcode , barcode wake up.

They all start getting worried now. They shake him harder but he's still not waking up.

Jeff: give me some water real quick.

Tong: here. Tong says handing Jeff a water.

Jeff puts the cold water in barcodes but he's still not even waking up. Jeff checks his pulse and he's breathing. Their relived he's breathing.

Mile: why isn't the waking up!?

Tong: maybe he's in a really deep sleep.

Jeff: no , this isn't normal.

Ta: what do we do?

Jeff: I'm taking him to a hospital to figure out what's wrong.

Tong: I'll drive.

Jeff: not happening , you drank too much tonight.

Tong: I'm not that drunk.

Mile: I'll drive , I only drank 1.

Jeff: alright let's go then.

Jeff picks barcode up bridle style and carries him to the car. They drive to the hospital. They quickly carry barcode in , a doctor takes him back and makes them wait in the waiting room. Tong , mile , apo , Jeff are sitting in the waiting room worried. Jeff is pacing back and forth. A doctor comes up to Jeff and the others. They all gather around her.

Doctor: ok so , he's ok. But we found sleeping pills in his system , there was about 3 of them , that's why he wouldn't wake up. He's still sleeping right now , he should wake up in a few hours or so. Next time don't give him so many. The doctor then walks away.

Jeff: but we didn't even give him any sleeping pills , no one did. How the hell did he get those pills then.

Mile: I don't know , maybe he was having trouble sleeping and took too many.

Jeff: no , he would tell me if he was Having trouble sleeping.

Tong: let's just go back to the room and wait for him to wake up and he'll tell us if he took them or not.

They all agree and walk back to barcode's room. Jeff sits in a chair beside barcode.

3 hours later...

Tong , and apo are sleeping , mile and Jeff are wide awake. Barcode starts waking up , he sits up and sees everyone. Mile comes by barcodes bed and Jeff stands up and holds barcode's hand.

Barcode: what e , why am I here?

Mile: barcode , did you take sleeping pills?

Barcode: no , why what's going on?

Jeff: you feel asleep and wouldn't wake up , they said you had 3 sleeping pills in your system m.

Barcode: but I didn't take any.

Mile: do you think someone could have drugged him.

Jeff: I didn't know , I mean there's no other explanation.

Mile: let's just watch out for now on. Barcode are you ok now?

Barcode: yea. * Sounds of barcodes stomach rumblings*

Jeff: are you hungry?

Barcode: yes. Barcode says laughing a little.

Mile: I'll go get some chips from the vending machine.

Barcode: Cheetos.

Mile: kk.

Mile walks out and Jeff sits back down beside Barcode.

Jeff: watch out for people ok.

Barcode: I will phi Jeff , I promise.

Mile then walks back in with Cheetos and a orange soda. He hands it to barcode.

Barcode: thank you p'mile.

Mile: your welcome. Mile says patting barcodes head.

Barcode smiles and eats his Cheetos and drinks his soda.

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