jeffbarcode , Jeff is getting SA and barcode saves him

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kiim_ini I hope you like it 😊

Jeff woke up to his alarm going off

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Jeff woke up to his alarm going off. It was 7:30 am. Jeff shut his alarm off and got up to go get a shower. Jeff and barcode was recording a music video today. Jeff was exited to film the music video with barcode , Jeff loves making music with barcode.

Jeff walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Jeff grabbed his phone and texted barcode.

Jeff: do you want me to pick you up?

Jeff set his phone down and got dressed while waiting for barcode to text back. He was putting his sweatshirt on when his phone dinged. He picked it up and opened the massage.

Barcode: yes , thank you phi Jeff 😃. Jeff smiles at the massage and text back.

Jeff: ok , I'll be there in a few.

Barcode: kk 😊.

Jeff: did you finish all your homework yesterday?

Barcode: yep!

Jeff: good job , I'm proud of you. Alright I'll see you soon.

Barcode: thx phi Jeff , see you soon 🍓🐉.

Jeff thinks it's adorable how barcode always used emojis. Jeff smiles and walks out the bedroom.


Barcode smiled at Jeff's text and put his shoes on. He's happy he made his phi Jeff proud. He walks downstairs and waits for Jeff to come. About 10 minutes later barcode hears Jeff's car outside. Barcode grabs his phone and walks outside and gets into the car.

Barcode: hi phi Jeff! Barcode says happy and excited.

Jeff: hey barcode. You look adorable in that sweatshirt. Jeff says pointing at the sweatshirt. Barcodes sweatshirt has a little baby dino on it.

Barcodes face turns pink and shy.

Barcode: thanks phi Jeff. You look handsome also. Barcodevsays shy.

Jeff: thanks. Jeff says chuckling at how shy barcode is. Jeff pulls out.


They arrive at the music studio. They both get out of the car and walk into the studio. Jeff has his arm around barcodes shoulder. A few staff wall up to them.

Staff: you guys can go ahead and get dressed for the video now , the make-up artist is waiting.

Jeff: krub , thank you. Jeff says putting his hands together and blowing his head. Jeff and barcode walk over to the make-up artists. The artist gave them outfits to wear and they both went into the dressing room. They got dressed and walked back out. Barcode set down in a chair and the artist stared doing his make up. Jeff went to the bathroom while waiting for barcode to get done so he can get his make up done.

Jeff flushed the toilet and walked to the sink and washed his hands. As he was washing his hands a guy walked in , he was one of the staff workers. He was in his 30's and had a gray suit on and black dress pants.

Jerry: hello.

Jeff: hi. Jeff says giving him a smile.

Jerry walks to Jeff and puts his arm around Jeff's waist and puts one hand under the water faucet. Jeff tries to move his arm but his frii is way stronger.

Jeff: uh could you please move you arm. It's making me uncomfortable.

Jerry: your know , your a really handsome guy.

Jeff: thanks , now can you ease move your arm.

Jerry: are you sure? Jerry says scooting Jeff closer. Jeff yanks Jerry's arm away and goes to walk out but before he could Jerry grabs his wrist and slams him against the wall. Jeff's head hits the wall hard making him get a cut on his head. It starts to bleed. Jerry licks Jeff's neck , Jeff tries pushing him off but Jerry is way stronger.

Jerry: your so pretty. Jerry says laughing and licking Jeff's neck.

Jeff: get off of me you sick fuck!! Jerry just laughs.


Barcode is done with his make up. He hasn't seen Jeff come out of the bathroom yet so he decides to go check on him. He walks into the bathroom and sees that Jerry has Jeff pinned to the wall and is licking his neck.

Barcode: get off of him!! Barcode charges towards Jerry and throws him off if Jeff. Jerry gets back up and rolls his sleeves up. Jeff falls to the ground , everythings spinning because his head his the wall. Jerry throws a lunch at barcode , barcodes lip starts bleeding. Barcode kicks Jerry in his item , Jerry bends down on the floor in pain. Barcode then kicks him again making him fall to the floor. Barcode then rushes over to Jeff.

Barcode: phi Jeff are you ok?! Barcode says worried and concerned.

Jeff: y-yeah , I'm fine. Jeff says in a weak tone.

A few other staff come in to see what's going on. They call the police and have Jerry as arrested.

Barcode is holding a wet paper towel on jefss head.

Barcode: I think you should go to the hospital , your head has a cut on it phi Jeff.

Jeff: I'm ok barcode I promise. It's just a little cut.

Barcode: are you sure your ok? Did he , touch you anywhere else?

Jeff: no , he didn't get to do anything else thanks to you. Thank you fir beating his ass.

Barcode: if anyone ever hurts you again , I'll figure them. Jeff smiles and pulls barcode into a hug.

Jeff: thank you.

Barcode: your welcome phi Jeff.

Barcode pulls away from the hug and continues holding the towel on jeffs head.

Barcode: are you sure you don't need a hospital?

Jeff: I promise , I'm ok. Let's go home. Barcode nods and helps Jeff up.

Barcode: I'm staying over at your house so I can keep a close eye on you tonight. Barcode says walking out of the bathroom while holding Jeff's arm and the other hand holding the towel on jeffs head.

Jeff chuckles, he's so glad he has barcode. He loves his caring he is.


Jeff is laying down on the bed , barcode comes in with a first aid kit. Barcode sist in the edge of the bed and takes a cotton ball out and puts cream on it. He gently daps it on Jeff's cut. Jeff winced in pain when barcode touched the cut.

Barcode: sorry.

Jeff: it's ok , thanks for taking such good care of me. Barcode smiles and puts a band aid on Jeff's cut. Barcode kisses his head and gets on the others side of the bed and covers them both up. Jeff smiles bright when barcode kisses his head.

Barcode: get some rest phi Jeff , tomorrow I'll make you breakfast and take care of you all day.

Jeff: thank you barcode. Jeff says smiling.

Barcode: your whole phi Jeff. Jeff lays barcodes head on his chest and strokes his hair. They both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Tysm for reading this book , unfortunately this is the last chapter. Ty for everyone who supported me and voted and read the book. Please go support my other books 😊

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