jeffbarcode , barcodes dad beats him part 2

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Barcode was walking into his house , he saw his dad with a knife standing in front of him. He tried to scream but nothing came out of his mouth. All he could do his run as tears streamed down his face. His dad caught up to him and stabbed him.

Jeff: barcode , Barcode wake up! Your having a dream!

Barcode set up gasping for air and breathing heavy. tears was pouring down barcodes face , he was shaking and scared. Jeff pulled him into a hug.

Jeff: it's ok , it was just a dream. Your ok , I'm right here with you , I'm not going to let anything happen to you.

Barcode: w-what if he comes back , what if he tries to hurt you. Phi Jeff I'm scared. Barcode says crying.

Jeff: he won't I promise , I won't let him hurt you or me.

Jeff pulled away from the hug and wipes barcodes tears away.

Jeff: try and get some more sleep ok. I'll wake you up in the morning.

Barcode: o-ok.

Jeff lays barcodes head in his chest and strokes his hair , barcode falls back asleep. A few days ago barcodes dad escaped from prison , barcode has been staying at Jeff's house for the last couple of days. His mom and sister are staying at his grandparents house which is only a few blocks away from his house. Ever since barcodes dad escaped from prisons , he's been having nightmares. Jeff always wakes him up and comforters him.

6:20 am am...

Jeff sees barcode is still sleeping , he carefully moves barcodes head onto the pillow and gets up. He covered barcode up more and walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower.

Jeff has a solo event today , and barcode has school. Jeffs going to drop barcode off at school and then go to his event. Barcode is going to have to stay at his house tonight. He's scared but he doesn't want jeff to miss his event just because he's scared. Jeff comes out of the bathroom and gently wakes barcode up.

Jeff: it's time to go.

Barcode: mmm , can't they just cancel school today. Barcode says in a sleepy voice.

Jeff: I'll stop at McDonald's and get you breakfast in the way.

Barcode: ooo ok , I'm up.

Jeff: go and get ready. Jeff says smiling/ laughing.

Barcode nods and puts his uni outfit on and heads downstairs.he grabs his backpack and walks up to Jeff.

Barcode: ok , I'm ready.

Jeff: ok let's go. What do you what from McDonald's?

Barcode: a hash brown and an orange juice.

Jeff nods and they walk outside and get into the car and Jeff drives away. Jeff pulls up Infront of barcode school.

Jeff: see you tomorrow.

Barcode: bye , p'jeff. See you tomorrow.

Barcode's gets out and walks into school. Jeff doesn't want barcode to be alone but he has no choice to do this event. He makes sure he gets into school and then drives away.

Barcode walks into his first class. He seat down at his desk and listens to the teacher. about 15 minutes into class barcode has to use the restroom. He raises his hand.

Teacher: yes barcode?

Barcode: can I use the bathroom?

Teacher: sure , hurry back.

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