kinnporsche , phoenix has a fever 🤒

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MaithiliParanjape I hope you like it 😊

Kinn and Porsche have a kid named Phoenix , he's 1 years old. Porsche is 6 months pregnant. They moved out of the main family house when Porsche got pregnant , they live in porsches house. chay doesn't live with them anymore , he moved in with Kim , Porsche aloud it after having a serious talk with Kim.

Today kinn had to work his his office. Porsche was in his bedroom laying on the bed while Phoenix was asleep. ( Phoenix's crib is in kinn and Porsches room ). Phoenix woke up and started crying. Porsche quickly went to his crib to check on him. He picked him up and kayyedvhhd back to try and get him to stop crying. He was still crying after 5 minutes. Porsche then walked into the kitchen and warmed up a bottle with milk in it and tried feeding it to Phoenix but Phoenix wouldn't drink it. He was still crying. Porsche then changed his diaper but he still wouldn't stop crying. He then walks into kinn's office.

Porsche: kinny , Phoenix won't stop crying.

Kinn: let me see him , I'll try to call him down.

Kinn held Phoenix in his arms and Phoenix started to calm down. Kinn rubbed his back and calmed him down. after he was calm he handed him back to Porsche. When Porsche held him he started crying again. Kinn then held him again and he stopped crying.

Porsche: why does he only cry when I hold him.

Kinn: it's ok babe , I'm sure it's nothing.

Phoenix fell asleep on kinn's chest. Kinn let him sleep and Porsche waited in the office for kinn to get done with his work. After kinn was done they went home. Kinn put Phoenix down for a nap. Porsche and kinn then laid down together. Kinn rubbed Porsches belly.

Kinn: what should we do for phoenix's birthday? Phoenix birthday was in 2 days.

Porsche: Khun said he's throwing him a birthday party. He's wouldn't take no for an answer.

Kinn: that's sounds like my brother. Kinn says laughing.

Porsche: kinn , I'm hungry. Can you go buy me ramond noddles?

Kinn: it's 11 at night , who's going to be open this late?

Porsche: kinnnm , pleaseeee. Porsche says in a whiney voice.

Porsche: your the one who got me pregnant now go get my food!

Kinn: fine. I'll be back.

Porsche smiles and covers up.

Kinn: who knew pregnant people could be so mean. Kinn says walking out.

Porsche: hey! I am not mean!

The next morning...

Kinn was making breakfast and Porsche laying in bed. Phoenix started crying. Porsche went over and picked him up. He wouldn't stop crying , he brought him to kinn and kinn held him and he immediately stops crying. Porsche feels sad that he wants kinn all the time. The whike day Phoenix and kinn was together because Phoenix always wanted kinn. It was 1:30 pm , kinn and phoenix was sitting in the rocking chair , kinn fell asleep with Phoenix reading him a book. Porsche deiced to go see what chay was doing. He drove to Kim and chays house and knocked. Kim and chay had woken up by the knocking. Kim answers it while yawning.

Kim: Porsche , what are you doing here?

Porsche: is chay here?

Kim: yea , we was just taking a nap why?

Porsche: oh , then nevermind. Porsche goes to walk away.

Kim: Porsche , come in.

Porsche: are you sure?

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