jeffbarcode , barcode gets electrocuted

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BabyBread06 I hope you like it 😊

The kinnporsche cast had just got done filming episode 7

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The kinnporsche cast had just got done filming episode 7. It was storming out really bad.

They decided to stay at the filming studio untill the storm calms down. Apo and mile are sitting on the couch Talking about a game.

Nott , Perth , and ta are talking about something.

Tong , barcode , Jeff , us , Bible , build are talking about something.

Lighting strikes making the sky light up.

Bible: it doesn't look like it's going to quit storming any time soon.

Barcode is looking out the window when it lightened again. Jeff quickly pulled barcode away from the window.

Jeff: be carful , it's dangerous to stand by the window when it's lightening.

Barcode nods and walks over by the couch and sits down. The power then goes out.

Apo: crap the powers out.

Mile: I'll go try to fix it.

Apo: I'll come with.

Apo and mile go down into the basement to try and fix the power. A few others go with them.

It starts thundering louder. Barcode is a little scared. He see's a charger plugged into an outlet. He knows it's dangerous to have stuff plugged in during a storm so he goes to unplug it.

When he's pulling the charger out he gets electrocuted on the hand. He falls to the ground in pain. Everyone hears barcode scream and rushes over to him.

Jeff: barcode!

Apo: what happened?! Apo says yelling from the basement.

No one's answering so they rush up from the basement and sees what's happening.

Barcode faints from the pain.

Jeff: somebody call an ambulance!

Tong rushes over to the phone and dials 911.

Jeff: barcode wake up please! Get a wet wash rag for his hand!

Nott and Perth rushes over and gets a wet paper towel. Jeff wraps barcodes hand in it.

They are all scared and almost in tears and worried about barcode.

Tears stream down Jeff's face.

The power then comes back on.

Mile: we need to wake him up. Mile with teary and worried eyes.

Jeff tries shaking barcode awake. Barcode won't wake up.

Jeff cries over his body. Everybody is practically crying. They hear sirens and lights outside.

Mile quickly rushes to the door and opens the door for the ambulance. They rush in and put barcode on a stretcher and put him into the ambulance. Jeff gets in the back with him.

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